Dear Brothers,
I have convoked you to this Consistory, not only for the three canonizations, but also to communicate to you a decision of great importance for the life of the Church. After having repeatedly examined my conscience before God, I have come to the certainty that my strengths, due to an advanced age, are no longer suited to an adequate exercise of the Petrine ministry.
I am well aware that this ministry, due to its essential spiritual nature, must be carried out not only with words and deeds, but no less with prayer and suffering.
Dear Brothers, I thank you most sincerely for all the love and work with which you have supported me in my ministry and I ask pardon for all my defects. And now, let us entrust the Holy Church to the care of Our Supreme Pastor, Our Lord Jesus Christ, and implore his holy Mother Mary, so that she may assist the Cardinal Fathers with her maternal solicitude, in electing a new Supreme Pontiff. With regard to myself, I wish to also devotedly serve the Holy Church of God in the future through a life dedicated to prayer.
From the Vatican, 11 February 2013
The news startled the Catholic world and led to frenzied speculation about who would replace him, including a debate about the merits of naming a pontiff from the developing world, where the church continues to grow, versus one from Europe, where it has deep historical roots.
But that decision will not be made by Benedict, who will leave his post at 8 p.m. on February 28, said the Rev. Federico Lombardi, a Vatican spokesman.
“Before Easter, we will have the new pope,” he said.
While Benedict won’t be directly involved in his successor’s selection, his influence will undoubtedly be felt. He appointed 67 of the 117 cardinals that — as of Monday — are set to make the decision.
The number of electors could drop to 115, as two cardinals will turn 80 in March, when their age makes them ineligible to cast a vote. More than two thirds of whatever the final number must agree on the next pope, a decision that will be announced to the world in the form a puff of white smoke emerging from a chimney in the Vatican.
CNN Senior Vatican Analyst John Allen said that means the next pope, no matter where he is from, will probably continue in Benedict’s conservative tradition, which has seen the church take a firm line on issues such as abortion, birth control and divorce.
Read the full text of Pope Benedict XVI’s declaration
Resignation ‘not a decision he has just improvised’
In a sign of just how rare an event this is, church officials aren’t sure what the pope will be called after he leaves the office.
One possibility, Allen said, is “bishop emeritus of Rome.”
While not quite unprecedented, his resignation is certainly historic. The last pope to step down before his death was Gregory XII, who in 1415 quit to end a civil war within the church in which more than one man claimed to be pope.
Benedict took months to decide that he wasn’t up for the job anymore, Lombardi said.
“It’s not a decision he has just improvised,” the Vatican spokesman said.
From police officer’s son to pope: The life of Joseph Ratzinger
A family friend in Regensburg, Germany, told CNN that Benedict had been thinking resigning for some time because of his age. He had discussed the decision with his older brother, the Rev. Georg Ratzinger, according to the friend, who asked not to be named because he does not speak for Georg Ratzinger.
Several years ago, Benedict had suggested he would be open to resigning should his health fail, Allen said. But no one expected him to do so this soon.
Jannet Walsh, a CNN iReporter from Murdock, Minnesota, counts herself among those “shocked” by the news of his resignation. But she said it was an admirable decision because he seemingly recognized that he could not adequately “carry out his office as pope” given his health.
“The resignation of the pope is actually a very selfless act, and it should be applauded,” Walsh said.
Benedict’s legacy
Joseph Ratzinger was born and raised in Germany, where he briefly served in the Hitler Youth, despite his objections, and the German military during World War II. He then established himself as a leading theologian, professor and local Catholic leader before rising up the Vatican ranks.
He was dean of the College of Cardinals in 2005 when he became the sixth German to be picked as pope, albeit the first since the 11th century.
At the time, the church was facing several pressing issues, including declining popularity in parts of the world and a growing crisis over the church’s role in handling molestation accusations against priests around the world.
Given his age at the time — 78 — he was widely seen as a caretaker pope, a bridge to the next generation after the long tenure of John Paul II, a popular, globe-trotting pontiff whose early youth and vigor gave way to such frailty in later years that he required help walking and was often hard to hear during public addresses.
As an aide to John Paul, Benedict served as a strict enforcer of his conservative social doctrine. To no one’s surprise, he continued to espouse a conservative doctrine after taking the office himself. He frequently warned of a “dictatorship of relativism.”
“In a world which he considered relativist and secular and so on, his main thrust was to re-establish a sense of Catholic identity for Catholics themselves,” said Delia Gallagher, contributing editor for Inside the Vatican magazine.
Not everyone embraced this conservatism. CNN iReporter Egberto Willies, a former Catholic, said positions such as opposing the distribution of condoms to curb the AIDS epidemic in Africa shows how “outdated” the church under Benedict was.
“This is a pope that was so conservative that many of his values simply, in today’s world, made no sense,” said Willies, a resident of Kingwood, Texas.
Bill Donohue, of the conservative U.S. Catholic League, credited Benedict for working to reduce friction among adherents of various faiths, something that was a key part of John Paul’s mission as well.
“The pope made it clear that religious freedom was not only a God-given right, it was ‘the path to peace,'” Donohue said.
But Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, offered a different take. He referenced a 2006 speech Benedict made in which he quoted from 14th century Byzantine emperor Manuel II Paleologus saying the Muslim Prophet Mohammed brought into the world “things only evil and inhuman.” These remarks spurred protests by Muslims worldwide and an apology from the pope.
“This sadly meant the hard work of his predecessor Pope John Paul II was tarnished and required extensive work to rebuild ties between Christianity and Islam,” Shafiq said. “That is something he has tried to do over the past eight years, and we do wish it could have started better than it did.”
In his tone, demeanor and actions, Benedict was notably different from his predecessor. Where John Paul wowed crowds around the world with his mastery of numerous languages, Benedict’s influence will be felt through his writings, part of his training as a college professor, Gallagher said.
Allen called Benedict a “great teaching pope.”
Praised, criticized for actions regarding sex abuse
In 2008, he acknowledged “the shame which we have all felt” over abuse reports and said those responsible for the “evils” should face justice. Two years later in 2010 — the same year that he issued new rules aimed at stopping abuse — he said abusive priests “disfigured their ministry” and brought “profound shame and regret” on the church.
The new rules included allowing church prosecution of suspected molesters for 20 years after the incidents occurred, up from 10 years previously. The rules also made it a church crime to download child pornography and allowed the pope to remove a priest without a formal Vatican trial.
“No one did more to successfully address the problem of priestly sexual abuse than Joseph Ratzinger,” Donohue said.
But others — such as Barbara Blaine, president of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests — say the opposite is true.
“I would hate for him to be remembered as someone who did the right thing because from our perspective, Pope Benedict’s record has been abysmal,” Blaine said.
In 2010, The New York Times reported that church officials, including Ratzinger, had failed to act in the case of a Wisconsin priest accused of molesting up to 200 boys. The Times reported that church officials stopped proceedings against the priest after he wrote Ratzinger, who was at the time the cardinal in charge of the group that oversees Catholic Church doctrine.
Ratzinger never answered the letter, according to the Times, and church officials have said he had no knowledge of the situation. But a lawyer who obtained internal church paperwork said at the time that it “shows a direct line from the victims through the bishops and directly to the man who is now pope.”
Also in 2010, the Times reported that the future pope — while serving as the archbishop in Munich — had been copied on a memo informing him that a priest accused of molesting children was being returned to pastoral work. At the time, a spokesman for the archdiocese said Ratzinger received hundreds of memos a year, and it was highly unlikely that he had read it.
Victims’ groups are pressing the International Criminal Court to prosecute Benedict in the sex abuse scandal and say the resignation won’t change that, according to Pam Spees, of the public policy law firm Center for Constitutional Rights, which is helping SNAP pursue the case.
In a statement issued Monday, Blaine said the church should choose a new pope dedicated to preventing sexual abuse by priests.
“For the church to truly embody the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ, it must be led by a pontiff who demands transparency, exposes child-molesting clerics, punishes wrongdoers and enablers, cooperates with law enforcement and makes true amends to those who were hurt so greatly by Catholic priests, employees and volunteers,” she said.
For others, the next pope must be someone who not only can satisfactorily address this scandal and other issues, but he also must be able to speak to all Catholics and others — especially younger people — in a way that resonates with them.
“I know that my grandparents think of the whole church a little bit differently than my generation does,” said Kaleigh Forst, a student, in New York City. “I feel like we could use somebody maybe a little younger, that has a new perspective.”
World, Catholic leaders express surprise, admiration
Whatever his past, few expected Benedict to announce he was stepping down, including world and Catholic leaders, who voiced admiration for his decision and the man himself.
U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, himself a Catholic, said he thought the pope set “an incredibly high standard” by understanding his own limitations and how they might affect the church.
“The decision reinforces for me as a practicing Catholic that this is a man of great integrity and looking out for what he believes is in the best interest of our church,” Biden said. “I admire him for it.”
British Prime Minister David Cameron said Benedict “will be missed as a spiritual leader to millions.” Cameron’s Irish counterpart, Enda Kenny, praised Benedict for decades of leadership and service, as well as his decision to resign.
“It reflects his profound sense of duty to the Church, and also his deep appreciation of the unique pressures of spiritual leadership in the modern world,” Kenny said in a prepared statement.
Archbishop Vincent Nichols, the president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales, said the decision “shocked and surprised everyone.”
“Yet, on reflection, I am sure that many will recognize it to be a decision of great courage and characteristic clarity of mind and action,” he said.
Archbishop Timothy Dolan, president of the U.S. Conference of Bishops, said he was startled, and sad, to see Benedict resign.
“It’s like watching your own Dad get old and admit he’s not up to all the duties that being the head of a family involves,” Dolan said. “And there’s a somberness, there’s a sadness there.”
Pope gave his resignation on 11.02.2013
Tale 1:
Number Eleven possesses the qualities of intuition, patience, honesty, sensitivity, and spirituality, and is idealistic. Others turn to people who are ‘Eleven’ for teaching and inspiration, and are usually uplifted by the experience.
In systems such as Astrology and basic Numerology, eleven is considered to be a Master Number. Eleven can also represent sin; transgression and peril. Ten being the perfect number, eleven represents the exceeding of both. It is interesting to note that eleven when broken down ( 1+1=2) comprises the Two of duality. Number eleven is a master vibration and as such should not be reduced to a single number.People with this number could be both idealistic and visionary, and they are attracted to the unknown.They can be both unusual, interesting and magnetic personalities.
Eleven bring the gift of spiritual inheritance, is gifted as the “Light-Bearer”. It is the number of the Light within all. Strengthened by the love of Peace, gentleness, sensitivity and insight. Greatest facility is the awareness of Universal relationship. Is related to the energy of Oppositions and the Balancing needed in order to achieve synthesis. Eleven is The PeaceMaker… Colours : Gold, Salmon, Prune, White and Black.
Determining Your Life-Path Number
Let us say that you were born on March 29, 1968.
March is the third month–3
the day 29, 2+9 totals 11
the year 1+9+6+8 totals 24 which reduces [2+4] to 6
Now add 3 with 11 [11 being a Master Number does not reduce]=14 +6=20
Drop the zero, and you have 2 as your Life-Path Number.
The Higher Vibrations of Number 11 in Your Life
Italian 11 = undici – Spanish 11 = once – French 11 = onze – German 11 = elf – Portueguese 11 = onze
11 is a prime number.
1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29…
The Eleven Plus was an English school selection examination taken by 11 year olds which was abolished in most areas with the introduction of comprehensive schools. It is still fondly remembered by taxi drivers and education ministers.
Elevenses is a mid-morning refreshment such as tea and biscuits taken around 11am.
Soccer, cricket, American football and field hockey are all played with teams of 11 players on the field.
The sun spot cycle repeats about every 11 years. Sun spots are dark spots on the surface of the sun. They occur more often during the active phase of the sun spot cycle. The spots have intense magnetic fields which are associated with magnetic storms on earth. Radio reception on earth is also affected by the sun spot cycle.
11 is the fourth number that stays the same when written upside down. The first three are 0, 1 and 8. There are three more between 11 and 100.
In the decimal system, each digit position in a number has ten times the value of the position adjacent to it on the right. For example, in the number 11, the 1 on the left is said to be in the “tens place, ” and its value is 10 times as great as that of the 1 on the right. The 1 on the right is said to be in the “units place,” with the understanding that the term “unit” in our system refers to the numeral 1. Thus the number 11 is actually a coded symbol which means “one ten plus one unit.” Since ten plus one is eleven, the symbol 11 represents the number eleven.
The Permanent Stone Labyrinth
This 36′, eleven circuit labyrinth is on the grounds of the Church of The Good Shepherd in Tequesta, Florida.
The eleven circuit, or Maltese design, octagonal in shape, can be found at Amiens Cathedral in France.
In England the number 11 sometimes appears in the decoration of Easter cakes. The 11 almond paste decorations on this simnel cake represent the 12 apostles, but excluding the treacherous Judas Iscariot.
The largest cat is the Siberian tiger at 11 feet long.
In a 12 Step Program Step ELEVEN is a step of meditation and courage. “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.”. After working the program for months, perhaps years, many of us begin to experience an energy, a support in difficult times, a something indefinable that is nevertheless there for us when we are feeling fear or anxiety. This is Higher Power. It can’t be described, it can’t be understood, but it is available, anytime we need it. It’s like turning on a light or tuning into a favorite radio station. The energy or power is always there even though we can’t see it, and we don’t understand how it works. But if we push the button or turn the switch, it’s there to comfort us and guide us.
Courage permeates this step. It takes courage to believe. It takes courage to let go of self will. And it takes courage to pray, “Thy Will be done.” It is so much easier to pray, “My will be done.” Step eleven requires the courage to trust this power and to let go of predetermined, limited, human results. What happens is miraculous. Things work out in ways the limited human mind could never preplan.
An interesting outcome of Einstein’s theory of relativity was the discovery of dimensions of time and space that exist separately and distinct from the four dimensions we experience. In fact, these dimensions may even be in our midst but not visible to us. More recently mathematicians have shown that up to eleven dimensions may exist in the universe. Many physicists believe that there are places in the universe where time ceases to flow. One of these places is in a black hole. Now it is interesting that the Bible tells us that God dwells in a place where time does not flow. For centuries this concept was mocked by scientists. Such a place is now scientific fact.
A rocket must travel at over 11km per second to escape the Earth’s gravity.
eleven 1. Number of incompleteness, disorganization, disintegration, one beyond ten yet one short of twelve (Gen. 32:22; Deut 1:2; Matt. 20:6); a. Eleven sons (Gen. 35:16,18; 37:9); b. Goat’s hair, sin offering (Exod. 26:7); c. The eleventh “little horn” (Dan. 7). 2. Number of lawlessness, disorder, the Antichrist.
The deepest point of the ocean floor is 11km at the bottom of the Mariana Trench.
The heralding in of Christianity involved several spirit visitations, and it is recorded that Jesus appeared eleven times after his death upon the cross. Jesus died in the flesh and resurrected in the Spirit; thus, demonstrating the reality of ancient Spiritualism.
The average adult male heart weighs 11 ounces.
11:11 – Eleven-Eleven
11:11 is said to be a pre-encoded trigger placed in our cellular memory banks prior to our descent into matter which when activated, signifies that our time of completion and ascension is near. It is believed that one knows when this particular gateway opens for them by continually seeing the numbers 11:11 in there every day lives as a continuous ocurrence. Activation of other gateways may be symbolized by other digits.
Eleventh house in Astrology
Segment of the horoscope ruling friendships, hopes, desires, social relations.
11% of Japan is devoted to rice farming – enough to fulfill its own needs.
A rugby ball is 11 inches long.
World War I ended on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month.
The television show Cheers ran for 11 seasons with 11 main characters.
The television show MASH ran for 11 seasons with 11 main characters.
The space shuttle went up on its 11th mission, weighing 11 tons and fixed an errant sattelite on the 11th day of the 11th month.
The first lunar landing was made by Apollo 11.
The record number of Oscar awards for any one movie is 11. This was achieved by both “Titanic” and “Ben-Hur”.
Here’s another number 11 phenomenon. Ed Dames ( is a sort of psychic (professional remote viewer) and a somewhat frequent favorite special guest on the Art Bell Show ( Ed Dames, sometimes referred to as “Dr. Doom”, will have his 50th birthday on August 11, 1999, the day of the total solar eclipse. An omen?
A major eclipse was on August 11, 1999 at 11:11 a.m.
Here are some links to articles about it:
Here are amazing coincidences about the numbers 11:11 showing up on clocks, license plates, etc.
In 2000Ad we are again on the 11 year Jupiter cycle that stirs-up sunspots, which correlate to increased gravitational disturbances on the Earth ‘s crust. Yet this year, on an 11 yr. cycle, that gravitational anomally will be the greatest it’s been in 47000years -actually that G-anomaly will peak on May 5, 2000. But who knows when the max effects will occurr? April?, May?, September?
11 – number of brothers Joseph had : Ge 42:13
GE 32:22 – And he rose up that night, and took his two wives, and his two womenservants, and his eleven sons, and passed over the ford Jabbok.
GE 37:9 – And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.
EX 26:7 – And thou shalt make curtains of goats’ hair to be a covering upon the tabernacle: eleven curtains shalt thou make
EX 26:8 – The length of one curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of one curtain four cubits: and the eleven curtains shall be all of one measure.
EX 36:14 And he made curtains [of] goats’ hair] for the tent over the tabernacle: eleven curtains he made them.
EX 36:15 The length of one curtain was thirty cubits, and four cubits was the breadth of one curtain: the eleven curtains were of one size.
NU 29:20 And on the third day eleven bullocks, two rams, fourteen lambs of the first year without blemish;
DE 1:2 There are eleven days’ journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadeshbarnea
JOS 15:51 And Goshen, and Holon, and Giloh; eleven cities with their villages:
JUD 16:5 And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her, and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him: and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.
JUD 17:2 And he said unto his mother, The eleven hundred shekels of silver that were taken from thee, about which thou cursedst, and spakest of also in mine ears, behold, the silver is with me; I took it. And his mother said, Blessed be thou of the LORD, my son.
JUD 17:3 And when he had restored the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother his mother said, I had wholly dedicated the silver unto the LORD from my hand for my son, to make a graven image and a molten image: now therefore I will restore it unto thee.
2KI 23:36 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign; and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Zebudah, the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah.
2KI 24:18 Zedekiah was twenty and one years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Hamutal, the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
2CH 36:5 Jehoiakim was twenty and five years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem: and he did that which was evil in the sight of the LORD his God.
2CH 36:11 Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when he began to reign, and reigned eleven years in Jerusalem.
JER 52:1 Zedekiah was one and twenty years old when he began to reign, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. And his mother’s name was Hamutal the daughter of Jeremiah of Libnah.
EZE 40:49 The length of the porch was twenty cubits, and the breadth eleven cubits; and [he brought me by the steps whereby they went up to it: and there were pillars by the posts, one on this side, and another on that side.
MT 28:16 Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, into a mountain where Jesus had appointed them.
MR 16:14 Afterward he appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen him after he was risen.
LU 24:9 And returned from the sepulchre, and told all these things unto the eleven, and to all the rest.
LU 24:33 And they rose up the same hour, and returned to Jerusalem, and found the eleven gathered together, and them that were with them,
AC 1:26 And they gave forth their lots; and the lot fell upon Matthias; and he was numbered with the eleven apostles.
AC 2:14 But Peter, standing up with the eleven, lifted up his voice, and said unto them, Ye men of Judaea, and all ye that dwell at Jerusalem, be this known unto you, and hearken to my words:
Acts 2:1-11. The opening verse as given in the Bible (NAB) reads: “When the day of pentecost came, it found them gathered in one place” (emphasis added). Those who were gathered are named in Acts 1 as the eleven and “some women in their company, and Mary the mother of Jesus, and his brothers.”
The word Hadees occurs but eleven times in the New Testament, and is translated Hell ten times, and grave once. The word is from a, not, and eulo, to see, and means concealed, invisible. It has exactly the same meaning as Sheol, literally the grave, or death, and figuratively destruction, downfall, calamity, or punishment in this world, with no intimation whatever of torment or punishment beyond the grave. Such is the meaning in every passage in the Old Testament containing the word Sheol or Hadees, whether translated Hell, grave or pit. Such is the invariable meaning of Hadees in the New Testament. Says the “Emphatic Diaglott:” “To translate Hadees by the word Hell as it is done ten times out of eleven in the New Testament, is very improper, unless it has the Saxon meaning of helan, to cover, attached to it. The primitive signification of Hell, only denoting what was secret or concealed, perfectly corresponds with the Greek term Hadees and its equivalent Sheol, but the theological definition given to it at the present day by no means expresses it.”
So that the instances (sixty-four) in the Old Testament and (eleven) in the New, in all seventy-five in the Bible, all perfectly agree in representing the word Hell, derived from the Hebrew Sheol and the Greek Hadees, as being in this world and of temporary duration.
The English word Hell occurs in the Bible fifty-five times, thirty-two in the Old Testament and twenty-three in the New Testament. The original terms translated Hell, Sheol-Hadees occur in the Old Testament sixty-four times and in the New Testament twenty-four times; Hadees eleven times, Gehenna twelve times and Tartarus once. In every instance the meaning is death, the grave or the consequences of sin in this life.
David had eleven Mighty Men
I Chronicles 12:8-15
8 And of the Gadites there separated themselves unto David into the hold to the wilderness men of might, and men of war fit for the battle, that could handle shield and buckler, whose faces were like the faces of lions, and were as swift as the roes upon the mountains; 9 Ezer the first, Obadiah the second, Eliab the third, 10 Mishmannah the fourth, Jeremiah the fifth, 11 Attai the sixth, Eliel the seventh, 12 Johanan the eighth, Elzabad the ninth, 13 Jeremiah the tenth, Machbanai the eleventh. 14 These were of the sons of Gad, captains of the host: one of the least was over an hundred, and the greatest over a thousand. 15 These are they that went over Jordan in the first month, when it had overflown all his banks; and they put to flight all them of the valleys, both toward the east, and toward the west.
There are 11 canticles in the Bible
2KI 16:2, 20, 18:1-2 Ahaz was thirty-six years old when he died. His twenty-five year old son Hezekiah succeeded him. Thus Ahaz was a ten or eleven year old father.
The Jewish Christians of the first century, persecuted by their kinsmen, often paid for their beliefs with their lives. Eleven of the twelve apostles died martyrs’ deaths, according to reasonably reliable tradition:
The Parables of Jesus – There are eleven parables Jesus told on his way to death in Jerusalem, as recounted in Luke’s Gospel.
God said, “I will raise up for them a prophet like you from among their brethren.” Of whom is God speaking when he speaks of “them” and “their”? When we go back to the first two verses of Deuteronomy 18 we find the answer:
“The Levitical priests, that is, all the tribe of Levi, shall have no portion or inheritance with Israel … they shall have no inheritance among their brethren”. Deuteronomy 18.1-2.
It is abundantly clear from these two verses that “they” refers to the tribe of Levi and that “their brethren” refers to the remaining eleven tribes of Israel.
The Apocrypha
Both the Roman Catholic and Protestant Bibles have thirty-nine books in the Old Testament and twenty-seven in the New. The difference is that a Roman Catholic Bible has an additional eleven books inserted between the Testaments. Where did these books come from?
To begin, we must realize that both branches of Christendom acknowledge the existence of books that are false writings that have never laid serious claim to canonicity. The Book of Enoch and The Assumption of Moses are known to have existed, but all agree that they lack the stamp of inspiration. In the New Testament the Shepherd of Hermas was thought by some to be authoritative, so it hovered around the canon for sometime before it was dismissed as a forgery
But there was another group of books that are accepted by the Roman Catholic church but rejected by Protestants. These books originated in a canon in Alexandria in Egypt. It was in this city in 250 B.C. that the Old Testament was translated into Greek and called the Septuagint, meaning “seventy.” (Allegedly the translation was made in seventy days utilizing seventy scholars.) This explains why some of the earliest manuscripts of the Septuagint that exist today (dating back to the fourth century) contain these additional books.
These books, commonly called the Apocrypha (the word means “hidden”), are interwoven among the books of the Old Testament. In all, there are fifteen books, eleven of which are accepted as canonical by the Roman Catholic church. But because four of the eleven are combined with Old Testament books, the Douay Version contains only seven additional books in its table of contents.
Using the numeric factors of the languages, we note the chart above that the first ten letters PLACE values and NUMERIC values are the same. At the eleventh letter, the Numeric value of 100 is reached and then each letter would be increased by 100. In the Greek language, there are 22 characters. The last character would have a place value of 22, while the last character would have a numeric value of 400. To make an example of this in English, we would proceed thus:
K = 11th letter with Numeric Value of 20
A = 1st letter with Numeric Value of 1
(or to say it where we can understand it)
The inspired’ authors of the canonical Gospels did not record a single word about the ASCENSION of Jesus” This claim is made pursuant to a reference to two statements about the ascension of Jesus in the Gospels of Mark and Luke which the RSV has identified as being among the variant readings we have earlier referred to. Apart from these verses the Gospel writers allegedly make no reference whatsoever to the ascension. On the contrary we find that all four knew of it perfectly well. John has no less than eleven references to it. In his Gospel Jesus says:
I am ascending to my Father and to your Father, to my God and to your God. John 20:17
Daily sacrifice is nowhere mentioned in the Mosaic law; only on the Day of Atonement is it prescribed that the high priest must offer sacrifice . . . for his own sins and then for those of the people (Lev 16:11-19). Once for all: this translates the Greek words ephapax/hapax that occur eleven times in Hebrews.
Judges Chapter 17 – 1 There was a man in the mountain region of Ephraim whose name was Micah. 2 He said to his mother, “The eleven hundred shekels of silver over which you pronounced a curse in my hearing when they were taken from you, are in my possession. It was I who took them; so now I will restore them to you.” 3 1 When he restored the eleven hundred shekels of silver to his mother, she took two hundred of them and gave them to the silversmith, who made of them a carved idol overlaid with silver. 4 Then his mother said, “May the LORD bless my son! I have consecrated the silver to the LORD as my gift in favor of my son, by making a carved idol overlaid with silver.” It remained in the house of Micah. 5 Thus the layman Micah had a sanctuary. He also made an ephod and household idols, and consecrated one of his sons, who became his priest.
The Eleven Commandments
There are actually eleven statements in the Bible texts of the traditional Ten Commandments. Roman Catholics combine the first two statements into one and the Protestants combine the last two in order to arrive at the number ten. How to number the Ten Commandments was a major issue during the Protestant Reformation. There are three lists of the Ten Commandments or Decalogue (Greek for “Ten Words”) in the Old Testament. Two of the lists are very close in meaning and make up the traditional Ten Commandants, however the third list is quite different and consists mainly of religious/ritual laws. Interestingly only the third list is actually called “The Ten Commandments” by the Old Testament itself.
The Apocrypha contains an interesting account of an angel directly interceding on behalf of Judas Maccabeus, the great Jewish leader who helped drive the Seleucids out of Israel in 2nd century B.C.:
“6When Maccabeus and his men got word that Lysias was besieging the strongholds, they and all the people, with lamentations and tears, prayed the Lord to send a good angel to save Israel. 7Maccabeus himself was the first to take up arms, and he urged the others to risk their lives with him to aid their kindred. Then they eagerly rushed off together. 8And there, while they were still near Jerusalem, a horseman appeared at their head, clothed in white and brandishing weapons of gold. 9And together they all praised the merciful God, and were strengthened in heart, ready to assail not only humans but the wildest animals or walls of iron. 10They advanced in battle order, having their heavenly ally, for the Lord had mercy on them. 11They hurled themselves like lions against the enemy, and laid low eleven thousand of them and sixteen hundred cavalry, and forced all the rest to flee.” (NRSV, 2 Maccabees 11:6-11
Deuteronomy 1: These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel on this side Jordan in the wilderness, in the plain over against the Red sea, between Paran, and Tophel, and Laban, and Hazeroth, and Dizahab. 2 (There are eleven days’ journey from Horeb by the way of mount Seir unto Kadeshbarnea.) 3 And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first day of the month, that Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them;
2 Kings: 13 In the fourteenth year of Hezekiah’s rule in Judah, King Sennacherib of Assyria invaded the country and captured every walled city, except Jerusalem. 14 Hezekiah sent this message to Sennacherib, who was in the town of Lachish: “I know I am guilty of rebellion. But I will pay you whatever you want, if you stop your attack.” Sennacherib told Hezekiah to pay about eleven tons of silver and almost a ton of gold. 15 So Hezekiah collected all the silver from the Lord’s temple and the royal treasury. 16 He even stripped the gold that he had used to cover the doors and doorposts in the temple. He gave it all to Sennacherib.
Tale 2 :
In numerology the number 11 represents:
- Higher ideals
- Invention
- Refinement
- Congruency
- Balance
- Fulfillment
- Vision
The 11 carries a vibrational frequency of balance. It represents male and female equality. It contains both sun energy and moon energy simultaneously yet holding them both in perspective separate-ness. Perfect balance.
Consequently, constant reoccurances of number 11 in our lives often signal us to beaware of our balance:
- Balance emotion, thought and spirit
- Balance of masculine and feminine aspects
- Balance of work and play
Elevens are magical messages asking us if we are centered or off kilter.
When we add 1+1 (eleven reduced) we get number two – which is also a balance number –Numeral two also deals with:
- Equality
- Justice
- Calm
- Kindness
- Tact
- Duality
Those who recognize the spiritual meaning of number Eleven in their lives are quite sensitive to vibrational frequencies matching these attributes above listed. Elevens appearing on a consistent bases is indicative of a reflective, thoughtful and intuitive soul.
I get loads of emails, and it seems to me, number Eleven presents itself to people who appear to be very psychically connected. I believe each time then number 11 if observed it is the Universe sending a message of:
- Confirmation to maintain integrity
- Enter into an open space of conscious awareness
- Realign, reaffirm, re-establish (re-balance) ourselves
As we deal with energy in our lives it is integral to understand we are at once a part of it, and yet the option to separate from energetic forces is present. The spiritual meaning of number Eleven deals directly with our involvement with the progression of life. When it appears, it references both our ability to be objective and subjected to life events – it is how we enter through the doorway of choice that determines the purity of the outcome.
Tale 3:
11:11 Meaning – All About 11:11 and Repetitive Numbers – YouTube Video click on link
What is the meaning of 11 11?
There is a global 11 11 phenomenon that is perplexing many individuals in regard to numerical synchronicities and in particular, the number and the meaning behind 11:11. From teenagers to senior citizens, these synchronistic numbers seem to appear on a daily basis. What does 1111 mean?
This happens most often when looking at the clock. We’ve all seemingly had this experience: You just happen to look at the clock and it’s 11:11 am or pm. It’s not like you are constantly waiting for this magical number to appear, it just does.
From an esoteric standpoint, 11:11 appears to be something that is genetically coded within our “junk” DNA as a cue tospiritually awaken.
What does 11:11 mean?
11:11 is subjective to the interpreter and to the interpretation. In other words, YOUR interpretation is the only interpretation that matters! Here are the many interpretations of 11:11.
11:11 Awareness: The first thing you should pay attention to when you see a synchronistic number is what you’re either doing or thinking at that particular moment. You should also be cognizant of your surroundings, such as the song that you’re currently listening to or even something as simple as the rays of sunshine coming in through your window.
11:11 Gateway or Portal: 11:11 is the doorway between two worlds – between the 3rd dimensional and the 5th dimensional worlds.
Angelic Humans: According to George Barnard, 11:11 is “the calling card for beings that are half angels and half humans”.
Angels and Spirit Guides: Your guardian angel or spirit guide is trying to connect with you.
Balance: Your life is either gaining or becoming more in balance when you see 11:11. This might also be an affirmation that your life is in complete balance as well.
Binary DNA Code: The brain is like a computer, which relies on binary codes (1’s and 0’s). In this premise, 11:11 is the binary code that awakens your dormant (junk) DNA.
Digital Time Code: This theory encapsulates several theories within the same premise. 11:11 unlocks your DNA and opens the subconscious mind through physically seeing these digital numbers and re-remembering why your brain was coded to remember the importance of 11:11.
DNA Activation: The number 11 represents twin strands of DNA, so for some people, this is a sign of a DNA activation or upgrade.
Edgar Cayce: As I mentioned in a previous article, Edgar Cayce was quoted as saying, “The first lesson for six months should be One-One-One- One; Oneness of God, oneness of man’s relation, oneness of force, oneness of time, oneness of purpose, Oneness in every effort-Oneness- Oneness!” Edgar may have meant, “The first lesson for six months should be 11:11.”
Fibonacci Sequence: The first two numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence are 1,1. The Fibonacci Sequence is basically tied into Sacred Geometry and the Golden Ratio of Creation, so this number would represent an end to physical reality as we know it.
Make a Wish: Many teens are playing the 11:11pm game without really even knowing the significance behind 11:11. If they notice that it’s 11:11pm, they make a wish. Is it possible that these children are indigos and 11:11 represents an awakening code for them?
Numerology: The number 11 is a Master Number and represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner.
Spiritual Purpose: 11:11 presents you an opportunity to reflect on your spiritual purpose for being here.
Synchronicity: Your life has become total balance and the lesson you need to learn will appear before you. “When the pupil is ready, the master appears”.
Wake Up Call: 11:11 signifies your spiritual awakening, as this number seems to be predominantly noticed by those who have begun their spiritual journeys. It may also be seen as a code to unlock your subconscious mind.
Most likely, you are reading this article because you have also experienced the 11:11 phenomena. If you haven’t experienced 11:11, then chances are, you will in the near future. What is it really about? “Time “ will tell.
Tale 4:
Physical reality is a consciousness program created by digital codes. Numbers, numeric codes, define our existence. Human DNA, our genetic memory, is encoded to be triggered by digital codes at specific times and frequencies. Those codes awaken the mind to the change and evolution of consciousness. 11:11 is one of those codes, meaning activation of DNA.
You will note that seeing 11 11 frequently creates synchronicities in your life.
Do you understand what 11:11 is all about? Yes! No, that’s why I’m here You’re all crazy, it’s just a number |
11:11 – 11 is a double digit and is therefore considered a Master or Power Number. In Numerology 11 represents impractical idealism, visionary, refinement of ideals, intuition, revelation, artistic and inventive genius, avant-garde, androgynous, film, fame, refinement fulfilled when working with a practical partner. Eleven is a higher octave of the number two . It carries psychic vibrations and has an equal balance of masculine and feminine properties. Because eleven contains many gifts such as psychic awareness and a keen sense of sensitivity, it also has negative effects such as treachery and betrayal from secret enemies.
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Many associate 11:11 with a wake-up code/alarm as they see it on digit clocks and watches. It can also be seen as a key to unlock the subconscious mind, our genetic encoded memories, that we are spirits having a physical experience, not physical beings embarking on a spiritual experience.
11:11 or derivatives of these numbers, 111 and 11, are digits that repeat in time thus a metaphor for reality as patterns that repeat in time for us to experience. This can refer to the rise and fall of civilizations, our personal experiences and lessons, loops in time. They are cycles of time that create and recreate following the blueprint.
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SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY: Carl Jung, the father of analytical psychology, was fascinated by numerology. Not only did he study various numbers and their meanings, but he also looked at how (and why) our culture was (and still is) fascinated with numbers. |
11 represents spiraling twin strands of human DNA moving into higher frequency of consciousness.Ellie and 11:11 …. In 1991, when I was hosting the talk show “The Metaphysical Experience”, a woman named Solara was my guest. Her topic was Activation of the 11:11 Doorway. It was all about ascension and the beginning of awareness of the 11:11 code. In 1995, a Crystalinks’ reader named Joe emailed about his experiences with the numbers 111:111, hence the file you are reading was first created and in so doing I took a long hard look at this phenomena experienced by those around me. Each time Joe was about to go through another major spiritual awakening, an epiphany of some kind, those numbers would appear in his physical experience to signal the upcoming change. The numbers say, “Pay attention!”
11 represents balance.
11+11=22=4=Time. 22 is a Master or Masonic Number.
Some souls see a Golden Age emerging, as told by the ancient prophets. Gold refers to Alchemy , the alchemical changes that are taking place in our bodies in the evolution of consciousness.
Be sure to check out All About 11:11 for more information about this enigmatic number! |
Reality as a geometric design is based on numbers (universal language) that repeat in cycles to create the linear time experiment. In Pythagorean Numerolgy, a cycle is based on 9. 9=End. 9/11= end of the DNA biogen(et)ic program running at the moment.
We all have one or more numeric codes that follow the blueprint of Sacred Geometry. It is about the spirals of consciousness, Fibonacci Numbers, the Golden Spiral, also found in perfection, in the exact proportions in the Great Pyramid .
Most digital codes that evoke memory are double digits or countdowns such as 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5 or 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, which goes to Zero Point Merge
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TRIVIA: The numerology of theMayan calendar end date
of December 21, 2012 is: 12+21+2012 = 2045 2+0+4+5= 11 |
You will experience a sudden awakening after which reality is never the same. You are going to create clarity, healing and balance for yourself. Do not expect others in your life to be on this journey with you. It is yours alone as it is for most souls. You will have to seek new friends of like mind who are also being triggered by the digits. Once you open the Digital Door, there is no going back. Your soul will automatically and quickly move you from level to level of experience until you ‘get it’. Your consciousness is expanding and therefore you will, manifest faster and with greater comprehension, becoming more aware of the meaning of synchronicities that will become more and more frequent. They are created by your soul creates to help you remember that you are a soul spark in a physical program that is about to end, evolve back to higher consciousness.
Upon seeing your digit encoded numbers, you may feel a sense of urgency or related emotions. Chill out! For NOW there is TIME!Once you see your numeric codes, you have activated something in your DNA codes and they will continue to appear until you ‘get the message’ … it is ‘time’ to move on.
The numbers usually signal changes in the patterns of your life.
They may confirm something that you are experiencing whenever the numbers appear to you.
You may dream also about the numbers, linked with things you do not as yet understand, or wake up at the same time every night with those numbers on your digital clock, ie. 11:11
Paranormailist Uri Geller on 11:11
The Doorway, The 11: 11
This can presently be perceived as a crack between two worlds.
It is like a bridge which has the inherent potential of linking together two very different spirals of energy.
As we unite together as One, bringing together our fragments of the key, we not only create the key, but we make visible the Doorway.
Thus this bridge functions as an invisible door or a doorway into the Invisible realm.
The 11:11 is the bridge to an entirely different spiral of evolution.
The symbol of 11:11 was pre-encoded into our cellular memory banks long ago.
11:11 is the pre-encoded trigger and the key to the mysteries of the universe and beyond.Returning our cycle of incarnations upon the Earth. The 11.11 has rested dormantly within us since that faraway position under time-release mechanization, combined with sealed orders which would only open when the 11.11 was fully activated. It has been gently sleeping, awaiting the moment of triggering. And now the 11:11 is finally activated…
Some of you have recognized this symbol as something of significance, yet have been unaware of its true meaning. With the advent of digital clocks many years ago, the significance of 11:11 began to make itself felt, often appearing on clocks at times of accelerated awareness. For those of you who have know that 11:11 was something special, we now need you to come forth into positions of leadership. For you are important parts of the key.
11 isn’t just a precursor to danger etc – it’s the whole point! 1+1 = 2 – unity, togetherness, peace. September 11 was a tragic event – no-one would question that – but if it leads to people realizing that the only way for this race to survive is togetherness and peace, maybe those deaths will not be in vain.
Number Sequences From The Angels
by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
The angels do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination. The angels say: “We can’t write our messages to you in the sky. You’ve got to pay attention and believe when you see any patterns forming in your life — especially in response to any questions or prayers you’ve posed. When you hear the same song repeatedly or see the same number sequence, who do you think is behind this? Your angels, of course!”
Your angels often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. They do this in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. The angels hope you’ll be aware that you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11.
The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. In this way, the angels will actually give you detailed messages. Here are the basic meanings of various number sequences. However, your own angels will tell you if your situation holds a different meaning for you. Ask your angels, “What are you trying to tell me?” and they’ll happily give you additional information to help decode their numeric meanings.
111 — Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).
222 — Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
333 — The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.
444 — The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t worry because the angels’ help is nearby.
555 — Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative,” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
666 — Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.
777 — The angels applaud you…congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.
888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, “The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.
999 — Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, “Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now.”
000 — A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.
George Barnard’s 11:11 Theory
Essentially, George Barnard explains that 11:11 is the calling card for brings that are half angels and half humans. 1,111 were the ones left faithful the the Divine after rebellion and throughout the centuries their numbers have increased. They bring a message to humanity. When these beings are around, try to watch for them messing up electricity at the same time you see the numbers. They come in and out to this dimension very fast. The book that first identified these beings is the Urantia book.
In his decades of research, these beings have identified themselves with their individual names. Why do they contact you?
George’s theory:
Well we only have theories on this. They have not yet explained who they pick. It could be as simple as
a) because they can prompt you, and others are not receptive. It does seem that most contactees have excellent latent psychic abilities. This follows – if they can trigger your brain to look somewhere, or at a clock at the right time, then they can impress a wider range of thoughts into your mind too.
b) or because you have unique skills or abilities that they would like to utilise
c) or because you are either already in an important role, or will be in an important role. We are not suggesting you are running the country, but you might be a teacher, or a painter, or a musician – someone who will influence many people. The Correcting Time will be a time when orthodoxy fails, and folks will be looking for answers. And they will be fearful. They will need reassurance. You may thus be the leading edge – the early adopters of new paradigms.
Their courtesy call is an invitation to raise awareness that spirit need to progress.
The Nature of Synchronicity
by Scott Rabalais
Patience is good. Synchronicity is better. Patience can be defined as bearing or enduring without complaint. It is the act of “giving time” to that which will come to fruition. It is the hope of things to come.
Note that patience implies the waiting game, that is, “I don’t have it now, but with time it will come to me.” For example, suppose I have plans to work in my garden this morning. However, a storm has appeared and the weather prohibits me from tending to the garden. I can say to myself, “I will be patient and in due time I will be able to work in my garden.” And wait I will. And I can easily become anxious, as I sit and watch the weather pass by, waiting, waiting and waiting furthermore.
On the other hand, synchronicity is that which knows no waiting or enduring. It recognizes that all is complete in the moment. It provides all in this very moment. It knows there is a perfect time and place for all, and one who experiences synchronicity knows of the harmony between the person and the completeness of the moment. One in synchronicity is not waiting for the rain to stop so that the garden may be tilled, but instead appreciates the rain in all its splendor, along with the situation that it creates in the moment.
Instead of tending to the garden, the fall of the rain may give me reason to sit down a write a letter to an old friend. So rather than focusing on what could be done, I instead focus on that which is in the moment and what is given to me irrespective of my plans or wishes.
From a separation consciousness point of view, patience is that which fills the chasm of time. From the position of now, I project that I want something to occur that is currently in the position of later. There is a chasm — between the present and the future. That is the “reality” of time that we create in our heads, and yet time is not real. Or, it is real only so far as we construct it out of our separation consciousness.
Synchronicity works in the now and only in the now. It is the result of full acceptance and allowance of life and its quality of flow. It is born from the stillness of the mind, in listening to that which is brought to us by the universe. It is the natural flow of life, irrespective of our conditioning, our wants and our plans. When we drop the thinking, that which is beyond thought is allowed to manifest itself in our experience. And the quality of such manifestation is Perfection, is synchronistic and is divine. It’s getting out of the way for The Way.
Synchronicity is the essence of unity consciousness, a quality of the natural flow of life. The flower blooms in perfect synchronicity with the natural elements of the sun, the water, the wind and the soil. It does hope to bloom in the winter, nor does does it have plans or wishes to bloom during the cold months. Instead, it lives in a synchronistic relationship with all elements in its experience and grows when it is best for it to be supported by the elements, and vice versa. It blooms at its perfect time, in harmony with that which surrounds it and interrelates with it.
Patience is waiting. How can one be complete if one is waiting for that which is not yet evident? Even patient waiting is waiting. Like the passenger in the train station awaiting the arrival of his train, he may be on the constant outlook for the appearance of the train down the tracks. In his constant glances down the track, he is anxious and in desire of that which is not yet in his experiential field. Instead, he may have a seat on a station bench, taking pleasure in watching lilies sway in the field across the tracks. And as he does so, lo and behold, the train will come into his awareness in its own time. And it is in that moment he can bring his awareness to the arrival of the train. It is in the moment.
Be sure to check out All About 11:11 for more information about this enigmatic number!Also, see our most informative link on all repetitive numbers here: Number Sequences from Our Spirit Guides |
Synchronicity is a gift of the universe, available to use in every moment. It is the subtle and sweet music of existence that we can hear if we only listen. If we attend only to the clamoring of our minds, we will be unable to manifest the harmonious flow of synchronicity from unity consciousness. Our dance to this synchronistic flow is experiential ecstasy. It is the effortless dance of the of the self with the universe.
Tale 5:
Numerology and synchronistic number such as 222, 333, 444, 1234, and 11 11 : The following signs and numbers are used by our Spirit Guides to guide us on ourSpiritual Path. These signs let us know how we are doing and what we need to do next.
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Numerology is the study of numbers, and the manner in which they reflect certain aptitudes and character tendencies, as an integral part of the cosmic plan. Each letter has a numeric value that provides a related cosmic vibration. The sum of the numbers in your birth date and the sum of value derived from the letters in the name provide an interrelation of vibrations. These numbers show a great deal about character, purpose in life, what motivates, and where talents may lie. Experts in numerology use the numbers to determine the best time for major moves and activities in life. Numerology is used to decide when to invest, when to marry, when to travel, when to change jobs, or relocate.
Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician who lived from 569-470 B.C., is said by many to be the originator of much of what we call numerology today. The actual origins of numerology predate Pythagoras, the most popular being from the Hindu Vedas. In the twentieth century, the old science seems to magically reappear in the form of a series of books published from 1911-1917 by L. Dow Balliett and it was helped along in the 30’s by Florence Campbell, and within the next few decades a wealth of literature was available to the public. Indeed, if you look at the past 90 years, it would seem that the science has moved very rapidly. But perhaps all of this was known at a much earlier time, and it was just hiding from us for a while.
What the Numbers Mean
Different numbers define different characteristics. Numbers can change for us throughout our lives but the numbers we were born with influence our character, behaviour, strengths and weaknesses.
Below is a list of what these characteristics are:
Number 0
Limitless, Unity, Nothingness, Boundless, Truth, Purity, Love, All, Alpha and Omega, Possibility, First Cause, Unmanifest, Breath of God, Unified Field, Source, Space, Consciousness, Cosmic Egg, God.
Number 1
Beginning, New, Focused concentration, Goal-striving, Action, Independence, Originality, Courage, Invention, Leader, Self-reliant, Ambition, Pioneer, Will, Conscious Mind, Positive.
Number 2
Duality, Division, Polarity, Choice, Gestation, Cooperation, Service, Harmony, Support, Waiting, Diplomacy, Patience, Psychic, Intuition, Adaptable, Empathic, Partnership, Mediator, Comparison, Receptive, Helper, Collecting, Reproduction, Balancer of Opposites, Subconscious Memory, Positive and Negative.
Number 3
Trinity, Union of Divine plus Human, Manifestation, Positive, Negative and Neutral, Expression, Subconscious Mind/Imagination, Creative, Optimistic, Enthusiasm, Expressive, Charming, Humour, Fun, Attractive, Friendly.
Number 4
Practical, orderly, patient, logical, hard-working, loyal, builder, steadfast, frugal, responsible, earthy, planner, materially creative, green thumb, even tempered.
Number 5
Adventure, change, freedom, exploration, variety, sensuality, unattached, curious, experienced, periodicity, knowledge seeker, knowledge teacher, traveller, imagination, child-like, playful.
Number 6
Harmony, beauty, nurturing, love, marriage, family, responsibility, understanding, sympathy, healing, empathic, perfectionist, order, duty, comfort, service.
Number 7
Philosopher, sage, wisdom seeker, reserved, inventor, stoic, contemplative, aloof, deep-thinker, introspective, spiritual, faith, esoteric, exotic, unusual, hidden, seeking perfection, ethereal, other worldly, enigma.
Number 8
Achievement, abundance, executive, strength, self-disciplined, power, success, authority, psychology, entrepreneur, intensity, supervisor, provider, grandeur, material manifestor.
Number 9
Endings, completion, humanitarian, compassionate, romantic, selfless, generous, philanthropic, loving, wisdom, idealist, artistic, spiritual healer, all allowing, other worldly, blending.
Number Sequences from Our Spirit Guides
Our Spirit Guides are assigned to us from birth, and, whether we realize it or not, guide us and advise us in our daily lives. They wish us to develop and grow, personally and spiritually, so that we can reach our full potential, find our true natures, and find our place in the world. Our Spirit Guides want to open communication with us, to establish a dialogue, so that guidance, advice and answers are readily provided and understood at the right time. The most common way our Spirit Guides begin to open communications with us is through number sequences; in ancient times it would have been something else, like seeing a particular type of bird or other animal, but in the modern digital age, surrounded by numbers everywhere we look, Spirit Guides are using number sequences to communicate. We have found that this is the first way our Spirit Guides try to communicate with us, as we cannot ignore seeing a number sequence if it is being shown to us everywhere we look and everywhere we go; and numbers are so prevalent in the modern world.
Our Spirit Guides communicate number sequences in many ways. One way is that they will gently draw your attention toward a certain direction so that you’ll look up or turn around in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard. Your Spirit Guides will continue to show you a sign until you take notice and say, “OK, this is weird! What does this number sequence mean?!” For example, you may see 1111 or 1212 every time you look at a clock, or be driving past a billboard and always be drawn to look at the 555 that is part of the telephone number.
Another way in which Spirit Guides show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for, say, a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this phenomenon become adept at reading the meaning of number sequences. Your Spirit Guides can provide guidance, advice and answers to any question you may ask, however important or mundane. For example, you could see the 333 sign when thinking about whether to have Pizza or Fried Chicken for dinner; or you could see the 333 sign when thinking about quitting your job – it can be any question whatsoever! Remember, do not look for signs or avoid them, as they will find you at the right time regardless of your efforts; they happen naturally.
Over many years of communication with, and confirmation by, our Spirit Guides, the Spiritual-Path. com Team has recorded all of the signs we use to guide our lives and our journey on the Spiritual Path, and these number sequence signs are listed below. Our copyrighted sign interpretations are not a reproduction of other works, interpretations, studies or research projects, they have been provided by our Spirit Guides and are the result of many years of our own research and a scientific methodology-based analysis to decipher their meaning, followed by rigorous testing to prove their accuracy.
There are no hard and fast rules for number sequences; thousands of people have found the answers they seek using our interpretations, but there were also some that didn’t. Just as there are many religions, there are many interpretations of number sequences. All religions are a path to God and to a better understanding of Life and yourself; if there was one set religion that was ordained as the ‘right’ one, there would only be one religion, but there isn’t (although, many religions do presume to state that their religion is ‘the one true religion’!). In the same vein, there is no cosmic law that states, “These are the number sequence interpretations!” Our Spirit Guides have shown us these number sequences and we have spent many years deciphering their meaning through systematic scientific analysis. We have studied, analyzed, refined and concluded our interpretations, and have found that they advise and guide us consistently and accurately in our lives. But, like religion, you are free to choose the path that suits you best; if you feel another interpretation works for you, you are free to use it.
If you wish, you could create a list of your own number sequence interpretations with which to receive guidance, advice and answers from your Spirit Guides, because the Spiritual Path is an individual journey, and you can use whichever method you wish to receive that guidance; your Spirit Guides will know immediately how you are interpreting a particular sign and will start using that interpretation to communicate with you. However, if you choose to use our interpretations, your Spirit Guides will use these instead. The benefit of using our interpretations is that you will not have to work out the interpretations for yourself, saving you a lot of time and stress; and you will also benefit from the ease of having a list of interpretations ready-to-hand.
Why do we use a limited set of number sequences? The number sequences we use are specific and succinct enough to deliver all the guidance, advice and answers our Spirit Guides provide, and we feel that using any more would cause confusion when discerning what is a sign and what isn’t.
Using too many could make virtually every sequence of numbers seen a sign; many would conflict and contradict one another, and we would find it difficult to get clear guidance – which can be very frustrating! The number sequences we use, successfully:
in the short term with the ‘Common Number Sequences’
in the medium term with the ‘Signs in Unity with Astrological Influences’
in the long term with the ‘Signs on the Spiritual Path’
Upon seeing signs from one of these groups, we can easily distinguish whether it relates to short, medium or long term guidance, helping us to keep the guidance within the context in which it is given, and apply it to the short, medium or long term only.
Common Number Sequences
This sign is used to indicate that your thoughts are related to the start of a new cycle in your life. What you are thinking about doing or changing is correct for the new phase of your life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 111: Energy Flow: Any energy flow such as electricity,money,water, sexual energy, etc.
alternate 111 interpretation: Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts (ask your angels to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts).
This is a sign of confirmation that you are on the right path, doing the right thing and going in the right direction. Continue with this train of thought.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 222: New Cycle: The beginning of a new cycle, the nature of which depends on the next triple number you see.
alternate 222 interpretation: Our newly planted ideas are beginning to grow into reality. Keep watering and nurturing them, and soon they will push through the soil so you can see evidence of your manifestation. In other words, don’t quit five minutes before the miracle. Your manifestation is soon going to be evident to you, so keep up the good work! Keep holding positive thoughts, keep affirming, and continue visualizing.
This sign indicates that your Spirit Guides agree with your thoughts and feelings and could be interpreted as a Cosmic ‘Yes!’ to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 333: Decision: You have a decision to make. The decision will lead to either 666, which means you must repeat the lesson again in some other way, or it will lead to 999, which is completion and you have learned the lesson.
alternate 333 interpretation: The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.
333 in the Third Dimension
Then you move into the second part of the third dimension where everything is threes. We tell you that the threes was a very difficult transition yet you have done so well with the threes. In fact the threes are not finished playing out. Even now as the fifth dimension is being introduced on the 555 of your clock faces, please notice that there are three fives. Ah…the threes are not yet finished. In your Game now, your entire existence can be explained by dividing by threes. Everything in your field is a multiple of three. The triangular shape of the energy, which defines the third dimension, causes the very base of this three energy.
We love to watch you play the Game in the third dimension. Even as you get bored you entertain yourselves with the drama you so love. Do not condemn yourselves for your attraction to drama as it has served you well in the third dimension. Oh we love you so, and we laugh when you call six, six, six the sign of the devil. It is so humorous to us that you would take the threes, double them and call it the devil. You are so imaginative! And we love you as we see your attraction to the drama.
You are the threes, for you are a manifestation of God in finite form. As such, you define that which you create. And now your Higher Self is beginning to show you something new. For as you have played so long in the third dimension, the third dimension is now finally entering the third stage. It is no coincidence that you have a tremendous event right at your footsteps.
This sign from your Spirit Guides signifies their disagreement with your thoughts and feelings and can be interpreted as a Cosmic ‘No!’ to questions you have asked or ideas you may have.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 444:The Mystery School: What is occurring in life is a lesson around learning about the Reality. This school is learning, such as reading books or studying a subject, but not actual doing.
alternate 444 interpretation: The 444 that you see, is a representation of the fourth dimension as seen from a perspective of the third dimension. You are moving into the fourth dimension. Your relationship to everything around you is now changing and this is representative of this movement. This is a time to incorporate mastery of self. This is the time to step into your empowerment. Though the attributes of the fourth dimension keep you from seeing yourself as empowered, know that incorporating empowerment techniques will serve you well at this time. Every time you see the 444 re-member Mastery and Empowerment.
alternate 444 interpretation: The angels are surrounding you now, reassuring you of their love and help. Don’t worry because the angels’ help is nearby.
When you see this sign a life changing thought or event has just occurred. You may not like it, or you may. Whatever the case your Spirit Guides are notifying you that a change in your life path direction has just occurred and it is time for you to change too. Move with it, follow these thoughts.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 555: Unity Consciousness: This is the number when someone has attained Unity Consciousness. They have mastered all levels of the Mystery School. It is the highest number. It is the number of Christ.
alternate 555 interpretation: Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you. This change should not be viewed as being “positive” or “negative,” since all change is but a natural part of life’s flow. Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.
The 555 is the beginning of the fifth dimension
The prevailing attitude of Atlanteans was that they were superior to the people of Mu for Mu was sinking. Lemurians found themselves travelling to Atlantis to escape. Amor found himself being a refugee in a land that was strange to him. Still he knew he had something important to do. Amor connected with those around him and tried very hard to make this new place feel like Home. His goal was to bring the love of Mu to Atlantis. For a time, it worked, for the magic was there. And the vibration of five moved forward. The fifth dimension was being created in the land of Atlantis . The 555 had begun.
It was during this time that you chose to see lack and limitation. As the great influx of souls found refuge in Atlantis it strained the systems, for the technology was not in place to support the vast number of beings. Although you had the technology for rejuvenation, you thought that you did not have enough to go around, and rather than focus on what you did have, you placed your camera of perception in a place that said, “we do not have enough so we must devise a system to take care of those that we can take care of.” It was here that a class system developed in the days of Atlantis. It was here that a subtle expression of slavery came to your greatly”advanced” Planet of Free Choice.
This misdirection of energy has come back to visit you many times during the Game. It was here that all the teachings of Mu, all the teachings of empowerment were lost in the blink of an eye. You felt that you had to decide who would use the technology and who would not. We tell you now that there was enough for all, had you only adopted the realization that everyone was playing important parts. Instead you chose to see some as more important than others. Here was the misdirection of energy that set into motion the fall of Atlantis. This was a time that you stepped into the fifth dimension. The effects of carrying misdirections into the fifth dimension are unrelenting.
Amor worked to help people cleanse themselves so that they did not walk into the Temple of Rejuvenation carrying impurities. If only he had been able to keep you from walking into the fifth dimension carrying impure beliefs, Atlantis would be well today.
Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world or due to mental or emotional imbalance. This sign indicates your thoughts are not clear and you should not continue with this train of thought. Let it pass.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 666: Earth Consciousness: This is the number of the Beast in the Bible, so it can represent pure evil, but it is also the number of mankind and life. Carbon is the basis of life, and carbon has six protons, six neutrons, and six electrons. Generally, when you see this number, it means to watch out for physical events that are presenting themselves at that moment, and you must be careful.
alternate 666 interpretation: Your thoughts are out of balance right now, focused too much on the material world. This number sequence asks you to balance your thoughts between heaven and earth. Like the famous “Sermon on the Mount,” the angels ask you to focus on spirit and service, and know your material and emotional needs will automatically be met as a result.
This sign indicates that a lesson has been learnt. It is a sign of acknowledgment and achievement – you have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn about your life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 777: The Mystery School: This is the part of the school where you are not just reading books about life, but are also practicing it.
alternate 777 interpretation: The angels applaud you…congratulations, you’re on a roll! Keep up the good work and know your wish is coming true. This is an extremely positive sign and means you should also expect more miracles to occur.
A phase of your life is about to end and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional, career, or relationship phase.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 888: Completion of a particular lesson within the Mystery School.
alternate 888 interpretation: A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career, or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition, it means, “The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them.” In other words, don’t procrastinate making your move or enjoying fruits of your labor.
Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Your thoughts at the time of seeing this sign indicate that these thoughts will bring about the completion or end of a phase in your life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 999: Has no value.
alternate 999 interpretation: Completion. This is the end of a big phase in your personal or global life. Also, it is a message to lightworkers involved in Earth healing and means, “Get to work because Mother Earth needs you right now.”
Unity with the Universe. Your thoughts are in Unity with the Universe. This sign indicates that your thoughts are in Unity with the Divine Wish for your life.
Drunvalo Melchizedek interpretation of 000: Nothing mentioned
alternate 000 interpretation: A reminder you are one with God, and to feel the presence of your Creator’s love within you. Also, it is a sign that a situation has gone full circle.
Signs in Unity with AstrologicalInfluences
Occasionally, you will see the following sets of number sequences. These are signs that relate to your thoughts and feelings, and the Astrological Influences acting on your life at present, i.e. your personal planetary influences.
These signs differ from the Spirit Guide signs above, as the unity signs refer to a short period (hours and days) of Astrological Influence:
1010, 0101, 1001, 0011, 1100
These signs indicate that your thoughts are in unity with your Spiritual Path and your Astrological Influences.
2020, 0202, 2002, 0022, 2200
These signs indicate that your train of thought is in unity with your Astrological Influences.
3030, 0303, 3003, 0033, 3300
These signs indicate a cosmic ‘Yes’; that your thoughts are in unity with your Astrological Influences.
4040, 0404, 4004, 0044, 4400
These signs indicate a cosmic ‘No’; that your thoughts are not in unity with your Astrological Influences.
5050, 0505, 5005, 0055, 5500<
These signs indicate that a change in your thinking has occured that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.
6060, 0606, 6006, 0066, 6600
These signs indicate that your current thinking is out of balance with your Astrological Influences.
7070, 0707, 7007, 0077, 7700
These signs indicate that you have learnt a life lesson that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.
8080, 0808, 8008, 0088, 8800
These signs indicate that a phase of your life is about to come to an end that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.
9090, 0909, 9009, 0099, 9900
These signs indicate that a phase of your life has come to an end that is in unity with your Astrological Influences.
000, 0000
These signs indicate that your thoughts are in unity with your Astrological Influences.
Signs on the Spiritual Path
The following signs are used by our Spirit Guides to guide us on our Spiritual Path. These signs let us know how we are doing and what we need to do next.
These Spirit Guide signs refer to your life/spiritual path in terms of weeks, months and years:
1010, 0101, 1001, 0011, 1100
These signs indicate that your thoughts are in unity with your Spiritual Path and your Astrological Influences.
111, 1111
These signs indicate that your thoughts are correct for the new cycle of your life and they are on your Spiritual Path. Continue with and follow these, as these thoughts relate to a new cycle in your life that is on your Spiritual Path.
121, 1221, 2121, 2211, 1122
These signs indicate that your current train of thought is correct for your Spiritual Path. These thoughts are your focus and following these will lead you along your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, ‘You’re following your path!’.
131, 1331, 1313, 3311, 1133
These signs indicate a Cosmic ‘Yes!’ – these thoughts are on your path.
141, 1441, 1414, 4411, 1144
These signs indicate a Cosmic ‘No!’ – these thoughts are not on your path.
151, 1551, 1515, 5511, 1155
These signs indicate that a change on your path has just occurred. Whether you like it or not, it is correct for you and is on your Spiritual Path. Proceed in the new direction.
161, 1661, 1616, 6611, 1166
These signs indicate that your thoughts are out of balance with your Spiritual Path. These signs are like road markings Spirit Guides use to keep us on the right path and prevent us straying down the wrong one. This sign is the opposite of 121, 1221, etc. and advises that your focus has strayed off your Spiritual Path. This can be expressed simply as, ‘You’re not following your path!’.
171, 1771, 1717, 7711, 1177
These signs indicate that a lesson had been learnt on your Spiritual Path. You have learnt a lesson that your Spirit Guides want you to learn, one that is important and is necessary for you to progress on your path.
181, 1881, 1818, 8811, 1188
These signs indicate that a phase of your life is about to come to an end. These signs indicate that your thoughts regarding some part of your life are in line with your Spiritual Path and, by following these thoughts, the phase you are thinking about will eventually come to end.
191, 1991, 1919, 9911, 1199
These signs indicate the completion or ending of a phase on your Spiritual Path. The phase may or may not have come to an actual end at the time of seeing these signs, but, if you follow the thoughts you have at the time of seeing this sign, this phase will come to a complete end.
Other Number Sequences
2323, 2332, 2233
These signs indicate your Spirit Guides agreement and support with your train of thought, plans or intended actions. This sign is most often seen after you have established a relationship with your Spirit Guides and are open to their guidance via number sequences.
1234, 234, 456
If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that these are progressive thoughts. You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change, or thinking about a particular subject. Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that your thoughts are progressive; your life will progress by following these thoughts and you will have your Spirit Guides support in its pursuit.
321, 432, 543
If you are repeatedly seeing descending number sequences such as 321, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that your thoughts are regressive. You will see this sign when you are thinking about an area of you life, course of action or subject. Seeing this number sequence immediately after such thoughts is an indication that your life will take a step backwards if you follow the course of action you are considering or continuing with such a train of thought.
Number Sequences from Our Spirit Guides
Edgar Cayce: 11:11 and Synchronicity
What Is Your Life Path Number?
11:11 – Repetitive Numbers and Their Meaning
Edgar Cayce: 11:11 and Synchronicity
So, Your Spiritual Awakening Cost You Some Friends
What is Your Life Path Number?
#OccupyWallStreet and Global Consciousness
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Ascension
Do you hear perpetual high pitched frequencies? You’re not alone!
How Many of These 51 Spiritual Awakening Symptoms do YOU Have?
How to See Your Aura: Tips and Tricks!
Sun Gazing: Why I Stare at the Sun
Your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Ascendant Sign – What’s Going on Here?
What Is Your Life Destiny Number?
What Is Your Personal Year Number?
What Is Your Personality Number?
What Is Your Inner Dreams Number?
Saint Malachy (Middle Irish: Máel Máedóc Ua Morgair; Modern Irish: Maelmhaedhoc Ó Morgair) (1094 – 2 November 1148) was an Irish saint and Archbishop of Armagh, to whom were attributed several miracles and a vision of the identity of the last 112 Popes (see Prophecy of the Popes). He was the first Irish saint to be canonised by a pope.
Petrus Romanus: Benedict Resigns and the Final Pope is Here – YouTube Video Click On This Link
St Malachy, whose family name was Ua Morgair, was born in Armagh in 1094. St. Bernard describes him as having noble birth. He was baptized Máel Máedóc (English: Malachy) and was trained under Imhar O’Hagan, subsequently Abbot of Armagh. After a long course of studies he was ordained priest by St Cellach (Celsus) in 1119. To perfect himself in sacred liturgy and theology, he proceeded to Lismore, where he spent nearly two years under St Malchus. He was then chosen Abbot of Bangor, in 1123.
A year later, he was consecrated Bishop of Down and Connor, and, in 1132, he was promoted to the primacy of Armagh. St Bernard gives us many interesting anecdotes regarding St Malachy, and highly praises his zeal for religion both in Connor and Armagh. In 1127 he paid a second visit to Lismore and acted for a time as confessor to Cormac MacCarthy, Prince of Desmond.
While Bishop of Down and Connor, he continued to reside at Bangor, and when some of the native princes sacked the two dioceses of Down and Connor, he brought the Bangor monks to Iveragh, County Kerry, where they were welcomed by now King Cormac. On the death of St Celsus (who was buried at Lismore in 1129), St Malachy was appointed Archbishop of Armagh, 1132, which dignity he accepted with great reluctance. Owing to intrigues, he was unable to take possession of his See for two years; even then he had to purchase the Bachal Isu (Staff of Jesus) from Niall, the usurping lay-primate.
The influence of St Malachy in Irish ecclesiastical affairs has been compared with that of Boniface in Germany. He reformed and reorganized the Irish Church and brought it more closely into the liturgical practices then being actively pursued in Rome as a result of the reforms begun under Pope Gregory VII, the Saintly Hildebrand; like Boniface, he was a zealous reformer and a promoter of monasticism.
During three years at Armagh, as Bernard of Clairvaux writes, St Malachy restored the discipline of the Church, grown lax during the intruded rule of a series of lay-abbots, and had the Roman Liturgy adopted. St Bernard continues: Having extirpated barbarism and re-established Christian morals, seeing all things tranquil he began to think of his own peace. He therefore resigned the Sees of Armagh and Connor, in 1136 or 1137, but retained asBishop of Down. He founded a priory of Austin Canons at Downpatrick, and was unceasing in his episcopal labours. Early in 1139 he journeyed to Rome, via Scotland, England, and France, visiting St Bernard at Clairvaux. He petitioned Pope Innocent II for pallia for the Sees of Armagh andCashel, and was appointed legate for Ireland. On his return visit to Clairvaux he obtained five monks for a foundation in Ireland, under Christian, an Irishman, as superior: thus arose the great Abbey of Mellifont in 1142. St Malachy set out on a second journey to Rome in 1148, but on arriving at Clairvaux he fell sick, and died in the arms of St Bernard, on 2 November 1148.
St Malachy’s feast is celebrated on 3 November, so it won’t clash with All Souls Day. He is Patron Saint of the Archdiocese of Armagh and theDiocese of Down and Connor. Saint Malachy’s Church, Belfast was intended to be the Cathedral Church of Down and Connor dedicated in honour of the Diocesan Patron. However, the Irish Famine broke out and the grand plans for the Saint Malachy’s Cathedral were shelved in order to divert funds to the needy.
The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, is a list of 112 short phrases in Latin. They purport to describe each of the Roman Catholic popes (along with a few anti-popes), beginning with Pope Celestine II (elected in 1143) and concluding with current pope Benedict XVI‘s successor, a pope described in theprophecy as “Peter the Roman”, whose pontificate will end in the destruction of the city of Rome.
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The prophecy was first published in 1595 by Arnold de Wyon, a Benedictine historian, as part of his book Lignum Vitæ. Wyon attributed the list to Saint Malachy, the 12th‑century bishop of Armagh in Ireland. According to the traditional account, in 1139, Malachy was summoned to Rome by Pope Innocent II. While in Rome, Malachy purportedly experienced a vision of future popes, which he recorded as a sequence of cryptic phrases. This manuscript was then deposited in the Roman Archive, and thereafter forgotten about until its rediscovery in 1590.
On the other hand, Bernard of Clairvaux‘s biography of Malachy makes no mention of the prophecy, nor is it mentioned in any record prior to its 1595 publication.[1] Some sources, including the most recent editions of the Catholic Encyclopedia, suggest that the prophecy is a late 16th‑century forgery. Some have suggested that it was created by Nostradamus and was credited to Saint Malachy so the purported seer would not be blamed for the destruction of the papacy. Supporters, such as author John Hogue, who wrote a popular book titled The Last Pope about the claims, generally argue that, even if the author of the prophecies is uncertain, the predictions are still valid.
Position of the Church
The Church regards the prophesy as a forgery. The ambiguous symbolism of the Popes and fanatical interpretation thereof are regarded as divination andpostdiction, respectively.[3] Since there is no moral certitude of the prophesy’s authenticity, according to Normae Congregationis,[4] and since the prophesy is like the prophesies of Nostradamus, which is a sign of forgery,[5] the Prophecy of the Popes is not regarded as authentic by the Church.[6]
Interpretation of the mottos has generally relied on finding correspondences between the mottos and the popes’ birthplaces, their personal arms, and the events of their pontificates. For example, the first motto, Ex castro Tiberis (From a castle on the Tiber), fits Pope Celestine II‘s birthplace in Città di Castello, on the Tiber.
Pope Clement XIII, referred to in the prophecy as Rosa Umbriae, the rose of Umbria, is stated to have used a rose “as his personal emblem” (his coat of arms does not include one, however, nor was he from Umbria nor had any but the most marginal connection with the region, having been briefly pontifical governor of Rieti, at the time part of Umbria). The technique of word play was evident in instances where interpreters find a phrase fitting more than one explanation.
It is notable that where the interpretation of the prophecy is clear (as is the case for almost all of the Popes prior to 1590), the reference is almost always to some characteristic possessed by the Pope prior to assuming the Papacy—e.g., his birthplace, his arms, his surname, or his cardinal see. However, for more recent Popes, efforts to connect the prophecy with the pope have often focused on the events of his pontificate.
In recent times, some interpreters of prophetic literature have drawn attention to the prophecies, both because of their success in finding connections between the prophecies and recent popes, and because of the prophecies’ imminent conclusion. Interpretations made before the elections of recent popes have not generally predicted their papacies accurately.
Popes and corresponding mottos
This list, adapted from The Prophecies of St. Malachy by Peter Bander, begins its numbering two numbers ahead of the Vatican’s numbering of popes (Benedict XVI is the 265th, not the 267th). The reason for this is unclear (perhaps because of the two purported “anti-popes”).
The list can be divided into two groups; one of the 74 Popes and Antipopes who reigned prior to the appearance of the Prophecy in 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is usually clear but can be seen as postdiction. The other is of the 38 Popes who have reigned since 1590, for whom the connection between the motto and the Pope is often strained or totally opaque and could be viewed as shoehorning.
Popes and Antipopes 1143–1590
The text on the silver lines below reproduces the original text (including punctuation and orthography) of the 1595 Lignum Vitae, which consisted of three parallel columns for the Popes before 1590. The first column contained the motto, the second the name of the Pope or Antipope to whom it was attached (with occasional errors), and the third an attempted explanation or justification of the name. The original list was unnumbered.
Pre-appearance Popes (1143–1590) | |||||
Pope No. | Motto (Translation) | Regnal Name (Reign) | Name | Historical Reference or Explanation | Coat of Arms |
Ex caſtro Tiberis. | Cœleſtinus. ij. | Typhernas. | |||
167 | 1. From a castle of the Tiber | Celestine II(1143–1144) | Guido de Castello | An inhabitant of Tifernum.Born in Città di Castello, Umbria, on the banks of the Tiber.[7] | |
Inimicus expulſus. | Lucius. ij. | De familia Caccianemica. | |||
168 | 2. Enemy expelled | Lucius II(1144–1145) | Gherardo Caccianemici del Orso | Of the Caccianemici family.This motto refers to Gherardo Caccianemici’s surname. “Cacciare” means “to hunt”,[8] and “nemici” is the Italian word for “enemies”. As his name foreshadowed, Caccianemici would be driven from Rome by his own subjects.[9] | |
Ex magnitudine mõtis. | Eugenius. iij. | Patria Ethruſcus oppido Montis magni. | |||
169 | 3. Out of the greatness of the mountain | Eugene III(1145–1153) | Bernardo dei Pagnelli di Montemagno | Tuscan by nation, from the town of Montemagno.The motto refers to Pope Eugene’s last name, “Montemagno.”[10] | |
Abbas Suburranus. | Anaſtaſius. iiij. | De familia Suburra. | |||
170 | 4. Suburran abbot | Anastasius IV(1153–1154) | Corrado di Suburra | From the Suburra family. | |
De rure albo. | Adrianus. iiij. | Vilis natus in oppido Sancti Albani. | |||
171 | 5. From the white countryside | Adrian IV(1154–1159) | Nicholas Breakspear | Humbly born in the town of St. Albans.Educated at the St Albans School in Hertfordshire. Nicholas Breakspear was the bishop of Albano before becoming pope.[11] | |
Ex tetro carcere. | Victor. iiij. | Fuit Cardinalis S. Nicolai in carcere Tulliano. | |||
6. Out of a loathsome prison. | Victor IV, Antipope (1159–1164) | Ottaviano Monticello | He was a cardinal of St. Nicholas in the Tullian prison. | ||
Via Tranſtiberina. | Calliſtus. iij. [sic] | Guido Cremenſis Cardinalis S. Mariæ Tranſtiberim. | |||
7. Road across the Tiber. | Paschal III, Antipope (1164–1168) | Guido di Crema | Guido of Crema, Cardinal of St. Mary across the Tiber.As a cardinal, he had held the title of Santa Maria in Trastevere.[12] | ||
De Pannonia Thuſciæ. | Paſchalis. iij. [sic] | Antipapa. Hungarus natione, Epiſcopus Card. Tuſculanus. | |||
8. From Tusculan Hungary | Callixtus III, Antipope (1168–1178) | Giovanni di Strumi | Antipope. A Hungarian by birth, Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.He was John, Abbot of Struma, originally from Hungary.[13] | ||
Ex anſere cuſtode. | Alexander. iij. | De familia Paparona. | |||
172 | 9. Out of the guardian goose | Alexander III(1159–1181) | Orlando Bandinelli Paparoni | Of the Paparoni family.His family’s coat of arms had a goose on it.[14] | |
Lux in oſtio. | Lucius. iij. | Lucenſis Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
173 | 10. A light in the entrance | Lucius III(1181–1185) | Ubaldo Allucingoli | A Luccan Cardinal of Ostia.In 1159, he became Cardinal Bishop of Ostia.[15] Lux may also be a wordplay on Lucius. | |
Sus in cribro. | Vrbanus. iij. | Mediolanenſis, familia cribella, quæ Suem pro armis gerit. | |||
174 | 11. Pig in a sieve | Urban III(1185–1187) | Umberto Crivelli | A Milanese, of the Cribella (Crivelli) family, which bears a pig for arms.His family name Crivelli means “a sieve” in Italian. | |
Enſis Laurentii. | Gregorius. viij. | Card. S. Laurentii in Lucina, cuius inſignia enſes falcati. | |||
175 | 12. The sword ofSt. Lawrence | Gregory VIII(1187) | Alberto De Morra | Cardinal of St. Lawrence in Lucina, of whom the arms were curved swords.He had been the Cardinal of St. Lawrence[16] and his armorial bearing was a drawn sword.[17] | |
De Schola exiet.[18] | Clemens. iij. | Romanus, domo Scholari. | |||
176 | 13 He will come from school | Clement III(1187–1191) | Paolo Scolari | A Roman, of the house of Scolari.His family name was Scolari. | |
De rure bouenſi. | Cœleſtinus. iij. | Familia Bouenſi. | |||
177 | 14. From cattle country | Celestine III(1191–1198) | Giacinto Bobone | Bovensis (Bobone) family.He was from the Bobone family; a wordplay on cattle (boves). | |
Comes Signatus. | Innocentius. iij. | Familia Comitum Signiæ. | |||
178 | 15. Designated count | Innocent III(1198–1216) | Lotario dei Conti di Segni | Family of the Counts of Signia (Segni)Descendant of the Segni family. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Canonicus de latere. | Honorius. iij. | Familia Sabella, Canonicus S. Ioannis Lateranensis. | |||
179 | 16. Canon from the side | Honorius III(1216–1227) | Cencio Savelli | Savelli family, canon of St. John LateranHe was a canon for the church of Santa Maria Maggiore, and had served as papal chamberlain in 1188.[19] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Auis Oſtienſis. | Gregorius. ix. | Familia Comitum Signiæ Epiſcopus Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
180 | 17. Bird of Ostia | Gregory IX(1227–1241) | Ugolino dei Conti di Segni | Family of the Counts of Segni, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia.Before his election to the papacy, Ugolino dei Conti was the Cardinal Bishop of Ostia, and the family coat of arms bear a bird on a gules background.[20] | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Leo Sabinus. | Cœleſtinus iiij. | Mediolanenſis, cuius inſignia Leo, Epiſcopus Card. Sabinus. | |||
181 | 18. Sabine Lion | Celestine IV(1241) | Goffredo Castiglioni | A Milanese, whose arms were a lion, Cardinal Bishop of Sabina.He was Cardinal Bishop of Sabina[21] and his armorial bearing had a lion in it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope’s last name, Castiglioni. | ![]() ![]() |
Comes Laurentius. | Innocentius iiij. | domo flisca, Comes Lauaniæ, Cardinalis S. Laurentii in Lucina. | |||
182 | 19. Count Lawrence | Innocent IV(1243–1254) | Sinibaldo Fieschi | Of the house of Flisca (Fieschi), Count of Lavagna, Cardinal of St. Lawrence in Lucina.He was the Cardinal-Priest of San Lorenzo in Lucca,[22] and his father was the Count of Lavagna.[23] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Signum Oſtienſe. | Alexander iiij. | De comitibus Signiæ, Epiſcopus Card. Oſtienſis. | |||
183 | 20. Sign of Ostia | Alexander IV(1254–1261) | Renaldo dei Signori di Ienne | Of the counts of Segni, Cardinal Bishop of Ostia.He was Cardinal Bishop of Ostia and member of the Conti-Segni family.[24] | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hieruſalem Campanię. | Vrbanus iiii. | Gallus, Trecenſis in Campania, Patriarcha Hieruſalem. | |||
184 | 21. Jerusalem of Champagne | Urban IV(1261–1264) | Jacques Pantaleon | A Frenchman, of Trecae (Troyes) in Champagne, Patriarch of Jerusalem.Native of Troyes, Champagne, later patriarch of Jerusalem.[25] | ![]() ![]() |
Draco depreſſus. | Clemens iiii. | cuius inſignia Aquila vnguibus Draconem tenens. | |||
185 | 22. Dragon pressed down | Clement IV(1265–1268) | Guido Fulcodi | Whose badge is an eagle holding a dragon in his talons.His coat of arms had an eagle crushing a dragon. | ![]() ![]() |
Anguinus uir. | Gregorius. x. | Mediolanenſis, Familia vicecomitum, quæ anguẽ pro inſigni gerit. | |||
186 | 23. Snaky man | Gregory X(1271–1276) | Tebaldo Visconti | A Milanese, of the family of Viscounts (Visconti), which bears a snake for arms.The Visconti coat of arms had a large serpent devouring a male child feet first.[26] | ![]() ![]() |
Concionator Gallus. | Innocentius. v. | Gallus, ordinis Prædicatorum. | |||
187 | 24. French Preacher | Innocent V(1276) | Pierre de Tarentaise | A Frenchman, of the Order of Preachers. He was born in south-eastern France and was a member of the order of Preachers.[27] | ![]() ![]() |
Bonus Comes. | Adrianus. v. | Ottobonus familia Fliſca ex comitibus Lauaniæ. | |||
188 | 25. Good Count/companion | Adrian V(1276) | Ottobono Fieschi | Ottobono, of the Fieschi family, from the counts of Lavagna.He was a count and a wordplay on “good” can be made with his name, Ottobono. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Piſcator Thuſcus. | Ioannes. xxi. | antea Ioannes Petrus Epiſcopus Card. Tuſculanus. | |||
189 | 26. Tuscan Fisherman | John XXI(1276–1277) | Pedro Julião | Formerly John Peter, Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.John XXI had been the Cardinal Bishop of Tusculum.[28] | ![]() ![]() |
Roſa compoſita. | Nicolaus. iii. | Familia Vrſina, quæ roſam in inſigni gerit, dictus compoſitus. | |||
190 | 27. Composite Rose | Nicholas III(1277–1280) | Giovanni Gaetano Orsini | Of the Ursina (Orsini) family, which bears a rose on its arms, called ‘composite’.He bore a rose in his coat of arms.[29] | ![]() ![]() |
Ex teloneo liliacei Martini. | Martinus. iiii. | cuius inſignia lilia, canonicus, & theſaurarius S. Martini Turonen[sis]. | |||
191 | 28. From the tollhouse of lilied Martin | Martin IV(1281–1285) | Simone de Brion | Whose arms were lilies, canon and treasurer of St. Martin of Tours.He was Canon and Treasurer at the Church of St. Martin in Tours, France. | ![]() ![]() |
Ex roſa leonina. | Honorius. iiii. | Familia Sabella inſignia roſa à leonibus geſtata. | |||
192 | 29. Out of the leonine rose | Honorius IV(1285–1287) | Giacomo Savelli | Of the Sabella (Savelli) family, arms were a rose carried by lions.His coat of arms were emblazoned with two lions supporting a rose.[29] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Picus inter eſcas. | Nicolaus. iiii. | Picenus patria Eſculanus.[30] | |||
193 | 30. Woodpecker between food | Nicholas IV(1288–1292) | Girolamo Masci | A Picene by nation, of Asculum (Ascoli).He was from Ascoli, now called Ascoli Piceno, in Picene country. | ![]() ![]() |
Ex eremo celſus. | Cœleſtinus. v. | Vocatus Petrus de morrone Eremita. | |||
194 | 31. Raised out of the desert | St. Celestine V (1294) | Pietro Di Murrone | Called Peter de Morrone, a hermit.Prior to his election he was a hermit (eremita, literally a dweller in the eremus, or desert). Also a play on words (celsus/Coelestinus), referring to the pope’s chosen name Celestine. | ![]() ![]() |
Ex undarũ bn̑dictione. | Bonifacius. viii. | Vocatus prius Benedictus, Caetanus, cuius inſignia undæ. | |||
195 | 32. From the blessing of the waves | Boniface VIII(1294–1303) | Benedetto Caetani | Previously called Benedict, of Gaeta, whose arms were waves.His coat of arms had a wave through it. Also a play on words, referring to the pope’s Christian name, “Benedetto.”[29] | ![]() ![]() |
Concionator patereus. [sic] | Benedictus. xi. | qui uocabatur Frater Nicolaus, ordinis Prædicatorum. | |||
196 | 33. Preacher From Patara | Benedict XI(1303–1304) | Nicholas Boccasini | Who was called Brother Nicholas, of the order of Preachers.This Pope belonged to the Order of Preachers. Patara was the hometown of Saint Nicholas, a namesake of this Pope (born Nicholas Boccasini).[31] | ![]() ![]() |
De feſſis aquitanicis. | Clemens V. | natione aquitanus, cuius inſignia feſſæ erant. | |||
197 | 34. From the misfortunes/fesses of Aquitaine | Clement V(1305–1314) | Bertrand de Got | An Aquitanian by birth, whose arms were fesses.He was a native of St. Bertrand de Comminges in Aquitaine, and eventually became Archbishop of Bordeaux, also in Aquitaine. His coat of arms displays three horizontal bars, known in heraldry as fesses. | ![]() ![]() |
De ſutore oſſeo. | Ioannes XXII. | Gallus, familia Oſſa, Sutoris filius. | |||
198 | 35. From a bony cobbler | John XXII(1316–1334) | Jacques Duese | A Frenchman, of the Ossa family, son of a cobbler.His family name was Duèze, D’Euze, D’Euzes, or Euse, the last of which might be back-translated into Latin as Ossa “bones”. The popular legend that his father was a cobbler is probably untrue. | ![]() ![]() |
Coruus ſchiſmaticus. | Nicolaus V. | qui uocabatur F. Petrus de corbario, contra Ioannem XXII. Antipapa Minorita. | |||
36. Schismatic crow | Nicholas V, Antipope (1328–1330) | Pietro Rainalducci di Corvaro | Who was called Brother Peter of Corbarium (Corvaro), the Minorite antipope opposing John XXII.The motto is a play on words, referring to Pietro di Corvaro’s last name. | ||
Frigidus Abbas. | Benedictus XII. | Abbas Monaſterii fontis frigidi. | |||
199 | 37. Cold abbot | Benedict XII(1334–1342) | Jacques Fournier | Abbot of the monastery of the cold spring.He was an abbot in the monastery of Fontfroide (“cold spring”).[32] | ![]() ![]() |
De roſa Attrebatenſi. | Clemens VI. | Epiſcopus Attrebatenſis, cuius inſignia Roſæ. | |||
200 | 38. From the rose of Arras | Clement VI(1342–1352) | Pierre Roger | Bishop of Arras, whose arms were roses.He was Bishop of Arras, (Latin: Episcopus Atrebatensis),[33] and his armorial bearings were emblazoned with six roses.[34] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
De mõtibus Pãmachii. | Innocentius VI. | Cardinalis SS. Ioannis & Pauli. T. Panmachii, cuius inſignia ſex montes erant. | |||
201 | 39. From the mountains of Pammachius | Innocent VI(1352–1362) | Etienne Aubert | Cardinal of Saints John and Paul, Titulus of Pammachius, whose arms were six mountains.Pope Innocent was born at Mont in the diocese of Limoges, France, and he rose to prominence as the Bishop of Clermont.[35] He had been a cardinal priest with the title of St. Pammachius (i.e., the church of SS. Giovanni e Paolo in Rome)[36] | ![]() ![]() |
Gallus Vicecomes. | Vrbanus V. | nuncius Apoſtolicus ad Vicecomites Mediolanenſes. | |||
202 | 40. French viscount | Urban V(1362–1370) | Guglielmo De Grimoard | Apostolic nuncio to the Viscounts of Milan.He was born of a noble French family. | ![]() ![]() |
Nouus de uirgine forti. | Gregorius XI. | qui uocabatur Petrus Belfortis, Cardinalis S. Mariæ nouæ. | |||
203 | 41. New man from the strong virgin | Gregory XI(1370–1378) | Pierre Roger de Beaufort | Who was called Peter Belfortis (Beaufort), Cardinal of New St. Mary’s.From the Beaufort family and Cardinal of Santa Maria Nuova[37] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Decruce Apoſtolica. [sic] | Clemens VII. | qui fuit Preſbyter Cardinalis SS. XII. Apoſtolorũ cuius inſignia Crux. | |||
42. From the apostolic cross | Clement VII, Antipope (1378–1394) | Robert, Count of Geneva | Who was Cardinal Priest of the Twelve Holy Apostles, whose arms were a cross.His coat of arms showed a cross, quarterly pierced.[38] | ![]() ![]() |
Luna Coſmedina. | Benedictus XIII. | antea Petrus de Luna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Mariæ in Coſmedin. | |||
43. Cosmedine moon. | Benedict XIII, Antipope (1394–1423) | Peter de Luna | Formerly Peter de Luna, Cardinal Deacon of St. Mary in Cosmedin.He was the famous Peter de Luna, Cardinal of Santa Maria in Cosmedin.[39] | ![]() ![]() |
Schiſma Barchinoniũ. | Clemens VIII. | Antipapa, qui fuit Canonicus Barchinonenſis. | |||
44. Schism of the Barcelonas | Clement VIII, Antipope (1423–1429) | Gil Sanchez Muñoz | Antipope, who was a canon of Barcelona.[40] | ||
De inferno prægnãti. | Vrbanus VI. | Neapolitanus Pregnanus, natus in loco quæ dicitur Infernus. | |||
204 | 45. From a pregnant hell. | Urban VI(1378–1389) | Bartolomeo Prignano | The Neapolitan Prignano, born in a place which is called Inferno.His family name was Prignano or Prignani, and he was native to a place called Inferno near Naples.[41] | ![]() ![]() |
Cubus de mixtione. | Bonifacius. IX. | familia tomacella à Genua Liguriæ orta, cuius inſignia Cubi. | |||
205 | 46. Cube from a mixture | Boniface IX(1389–1404) | Pietro Tomacelli | Of the Tomacelli family, born in Genoa in Liguria, whose arms were cubes.His coat of arms includes a bend checky — a wide stripe with a checkerboard pattern.[34] | ![]() ![]() |
De meliore ſydere. | Innocentius. VII. | uocatus Coſmatus de melioratis Sulmonenſis, cuius inſignia ſydus. | |||
206 | 47. From a better star | Innocent VII(1404–1406) | Cosmo Migliorati | Called Cosmato dei Migliorati of Sulmo, whose arms were a star.The prophecy is a play on words, “better” (melior) referring to the pope’s last name, Migliorati (Meliorati). There is a shooting star on his coat of arms.[34] | ![]() ![]() |
Nauta de Ponte nigro. | Gregorius XII. | Venetus, commendatarius eccleſiæ Nigropontis. | |||
207 | 48. Sailor from a black bridge | Gregory XII(1406–1415) | Angelo Correr | A Venetian, commendatary of the church of Negroponte.Was Bishop of Venice and the Bishop of Chalcice, Chalcice being located on the Isle of Negropont | ![]() ![]() |
Flagellum ſolis. | Alexander. V. | Græcus Archiepiſcopus Mediolanenſis, inſignia Sol. | |||
49. Whip of the sun | Alexander V, Antipope (1409–1410) | Petros Philarges | A Greek, Archbishop of Milan, whose arms were a sun.His coat of arms had a large sun on it. Also, a play on words, referring to the pope’s last name, “Philarges.”[42] | ![]() ![]() |
Ceruus Sirenæ. | Ioannes XXIII. | Diaconus Cardinalis S. Euſtachii, qui cum ceruo depingitur, Bononiæ legatus, Neapolitanus. | |||
50. Stag of the siren | John XXIII, Antipope (1410–1415) | Baldassarre Cossa | Cardinal Deacon of St. Eustace, who is depicted with a stag; legate of Bologna, a Neapolitan.Baldassarre Cossa was a cardinal with the title of St. Eustachius.[43] St. Eustachius converted to Christianity after he saw a stag with a cross between its horns. Baldassarre’s family was originally from Naples, which has the emblem of the siren. | ||
Corona ueli aurei. | Martinus V. | familia colonna, Diaconus Cardinalis S. Georgii ad uelum aureum. | |||
208 | 51. Crown of the golden curtain | Martin V(1417–1431) | Oddone Colonna | Of the Colonna family, Cardinal Deacon of St. George at the golden curtain.Oddone Colonna was the Cardinal Deacon of San Giorgio in Velabro.[44] The word “Velabrum” is here interpreted as derived from “velum aureum”, or golden veil.[45] His coat of arms had a golden crown resting atop a column.[46] | ![]() ![]() |
Lupa Cœleſtina, | Eugenius. IIII. | Venetus, canonicus antea regularis Cœleſtinus, & Epiſcopus Senẽſis. | |||
209 | 52. Heavenly she-wolf | Eugene IV(1431–1447) | Gabriele Condulmaro | A Venetian, formerly a regular Celestine canon, and Bishop of Siena.He belonged to the order of the Celestines and was the Bishop of Siena which bears a she-wolf on its arms. | ![]() ![]() |
Amator Crucis. | Felix. V. | qui uocabatur Amadæus Dux Sabaudiæ, inſignia Crux. | |||
53. Lover of the cross | Felix V, Antipope (1439–1449) | Amadeus Duke of Savoy | Who was called Amadeus, Duke of Savoy, arms were a cross.He was previously the count of Savoy and therefore his coat of arms contained the cross of Savoy.[47] Also, the prophecy is a play on words, referring to the antipope’s Christian name, “Amadeus.” | ![]() ![]() |
De modicitate Lunæ. | Nicolaus V. | Lunenſis de Sarzana, humilibus parentibus natus. | |||
210 | 54. From the meanness of Luna | Nicholas V(1447–1455) | Tommaso Parentucelli | A Lunese of Sarzana, born to humble parents.He was born in Sarzana in the diocese of Luni, the ancient name of which was Luna. | ![]() ![]() |
Bos paſcens. | Calliſtus. III. | Hiſpanus, cuius inſignia Bos paſcens. | |||
211 | 55. Pasturing ox | Callixtus III(1455–1458) | Alfonso Borja | A Spaniard, whose arms were a pasturing ox.Alonso Borgia’s coat of arms had a grazing ox.[46] | ![]() ![]() |
De Capra & Albergo. | Pius. II. | Senenſis, qui fuit à Secretis Cardinalibus Capranico & Albergato. | |||
212 | 56. From a nanny-goat and an inn | Pius II (1458–1464) | Enea Silvio de Piccolomini | A Sienese, who was secretary to Cardinals Capranicus and Albergatus.He had been secretary to Cardinal Domenico Capranica and Cardinal Albergatti before he was elected Pope.[48] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
De Ceruo & Leone. | Paulus. II. | Venetus, qui fuit Commendatarius eccleſiæ Ceruienſis, & Cardinalis tituli S. Marci. | |||
213 | 57. From a stag and lion | Paul II (1464–1471) | Pietro Barbo | A Venetian, who was Commendatary of the church of Cervia, and Cardinal of the title of St. Mark.Possibly refers to his Bishopric of Cervia (punning on cervus, “a stag”) and his Cardinal title of St. Mark (symbolized by a winged lion).[49] | ![]() ![]() |
Piſcator minorita. | Sixtus. IIII. | Piſcatoris filius, Franciſcanus. | |||
214 | 58. Minorite fisherman | Sixtus IV(1471–1484) | Francesco Della Rovere | Son of a fisherman, Franciscan.He was born the son of a fisherman and a member of the Franciscans, also known as “Minorites”. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Præcurſor Siciliæ. | Innocentius VIII. | qui uocabatur Ioãnes Baptiſta, & uixit in curia Alfonſi regis Siciliæ. | |||
215 | 59. Forerunner of Sicily | Innocent VIII(1484–1492) | Giovanni Battista Cibò | Who was called John Baptist, and lived in the court of Alfonso, king of Sicily.Giovanni Battista Cibò was named after John the Baptist, the precursor of Christ. In his early years, Giovanni served as the Bishop of Molfetta in Sicily.[50] | ![]() ![]() |
Bos Albanus in portu. | Alexander VI. | Epiſcopus Cardinalis Albanus & Portuenſis, cuius inſignia Bos. | |||
216 | 60. Bull of Alba in the harbor | Alexander VI(1492–1503) | Rodrigo de Borgia | Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto, whose arms were a bull.In 1456, he was made a Cardinal and he held the titles of Cardinal Bishop of Albano and Porto. [51] Also, Pope Alexander had a red bull on his coat of arms[52] | ![]() ![]() |
De paruo homine. | Pius. III. | Senenſis, familia piccolominea. | |||
217 | 61. From a small man | Pius III (1503) | Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini | A Sienese, of the Piccolomini family.His family name was Piccolomini, from piccolo “small” and uomo “man”. | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Fructus Iouis iuuabit. | Iulius. II. | Ligur, eius inſignia Quercus, Iouis arbor. | |||
218 | 62. The fruit of Jupiter will help | Julius II(1503–1513) | Giuliano Della Rovere | A Genoese, his arms were an oak, Jupiter’s tree.On his arms was an oak tree, which was sacred to Jupiter.[52] Pope Julius’ family name, “Della Rovere,” literally means “of the oak.”[53] | ![]() ![]() ![]() |
De craticula Politiana. | Leo. X. | filius Laurentii medicei, & ſcholaris Angeli Politiani. | |||
219 | 63. From a Politian gridiron | Leo X (1513–1521) | Giovanni de Medici | Son of Lorenzo de’ Medici, and student of Angelo Poliziano.His educator and mentor was the distinguished humanist and scholar, Angelo Poliziano. The “Gridiron” is the motto evidently refers to St. Lawrence, who was martyred on a gridiron. This is a rather elliptical allusion to Lorenzo the Magnificent, who was Giovanni’s father.[54] | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Leo Florentius. | Adrian. VI. | Florẽtii filius, eius inſignia Leo. | |||
220 | 64. Florentian lion | Adrian VI(1522–1523) | Adriaen Florenszoon Boeyens | Son of Florentius, his arms were a lion.His coat of arms had two lions on it,[52] and his name is sometimes given as Adriaan Florens, or other variants, from his father’s first name Florens (Florentius). | ![]() ![]() |
Flos pilei ægri. | Clemens. VII. | Florentinus de domo medicea, eius inſignia pila, & lilia. | |||
221 | 65. Flower of the sick man’s pill[55] | Clement VII(1523–1534) | Giulio de Medici | A Florentine of the Medicean house, his arms were pill-balls and lilies.The Medici coat of arms were emblazoned with six medical balls. One of these balls, the largest of the six, was emblazoned with the Florentine lily.[52] | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hiacinthus medicorũ. | Paulus. III. | Farneſius, qui lilia pro inſignibus geſtat, & Card. fuit SS. Coſme, & Damiani. | |||
222 | 66. Hyacinth of the physicians | Paul III (1534–1549) | Alessandro Farnese | Farnese, who bore lilies for arms, and was Cardinal of Saints Cosmas and Damian.Pope Paul’s coat of arms were charged with six hyacinths.[52] | ![]() ![]() |
De corona montana. | Iulius. III. | antea uocatus Ioannes Maria de monte. | |||
223 | 67. From the mountainous crown | Julius III(1550–1555) | Giovanni Maria Ciocchi del Monte | Formerly called Giovanni Maria of the Mountain (de Monte)His coat of arms showed mountains and palm branches laid out in a pattern much like a crown.[52] | ![]() ![]() |
Frumentum flocidum. [sic] | Marcellus. II. | cuius inſignia ceruus & frumẽtum, ideo floccidum, quod pauco tempore uixit in papatu. | |||
224 | 68. Trifling grain | Marcellus II(1555) | Marcello Cervini | Whose arms were a stag and grain; ‘trifling’, because he lived only a short time as pope.His coat of arms showed a stag and ears of wheat.[52] | ![]() ![]() |
De fide Petri. | Paulus. IIII. | antea uocatus Ioannes Petrus Caraffa. | |||
225 | 69. From Peter’s faith | Paul IV(1555–1559) | Giovanni Pietro Caraffa | Formerly called John Peter Caraffa.He is said to have used his second Christian name Pietro. | ![]() ![]() |
Eſculapii pharmacum. | Pius. IIII. | antea dictus Io. Angelus Medices. | |||
226 | 70. Aesculapius’ medicine | Pius IV (1559–1565) | Giovanni Angelo de Medici | Formerly called Giovanni Angelo Medici.His family name was Medici. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Angelus nemoroſus. | Pius. V. | Michael uocatus, natus in oppido Boſchi. | |||
227 | 71. Angel of the grove | St. Pius V(1566–1572) | Antonio Michele Ghisleri | Called Michael, born in the town of Bosco.He was born in Bosco, (Lombardy); the placename means grove. His name was ‘Antonio Michele Ghisleri’, and Michele relates to the archangel. | ![]() ![]() |
Medium corpus pilarũ. | Gregorius. XIII. | cuius inſignia medius Draco, Cardinalis creatus à Pio. IIII. qui pila in armis geſtabat. | |||
228 | 72. Half body of the balls | Gregory XIII(1572–1585) | Ugo Boncompagni | Whose arms were a half-dragon; a Cardinal created by Pius IV who bore balls in his arms.The “balls” in the motto refer to Pope Pius IV, who had made Gregory a cardinal. Pope Gregory had a dragon on his coat of arms with half a body.[52] | ![]() ![]() |
Axis in medietate ſigni. | Sixtus. V. | qui axem in medio Leonis in armis geſtat. | |||
229 | 73. Axle in the midst of a sign. | Sixtus V(1585–1590) | Felice Peretti | Who bears in his arms an axle in the middle of a lion.This is a rather straightforward description of the pope’s coat of arms.[52] | ![]() ![]() |
De rore cœli. | Vrbanus. VII. | qui fuit Archiepiſcopus Roſſanenſis in Calabria, ubi mãna colligitur. | |||
230 | 74. From the dew of the sky | Urban VII(1590) | Giovanni Battista Castagna | Who was Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria, where manna is collected.He had been Archbishop of Rossano in Calabria where sap called “the dew of heaven” is gathered from trees.[56] | ![]() ![]() |
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This section may contain original research. Please improve it by verifying the claims made and adding references. Statements consisting only of original research may be removed. (February 2013) |
Popes 1590 to present
For this group of Popes, the published text only provides names for the first three (i.e., those who were Popes between the appearance of the text in 1590, and its publication in 1595) and attempts no explanations.
Post-appearance Popes (1590–present) | |||||
Pope No. | Motto (Translation) | Regnal Name (Reign) | Name | Historical Reference or Explanation | Coat of Arms |
Ex antiquitate Vrbis. | Gregorius. XIIII. | ||||
231 | 75 Of the antiquity of the city | Gregory XIV (1590–1591) | Niccolo Sfondrati | His father was a senator of the ancient city of Milan. The word “senator” is derived from the Latin senex, meaning old man. | ![]() ![]() |
Pia ciuitas in bello. | Innocentius. IX. | ||||
232 | 76 Pious city in war | Innocent IX (1591) | Giovanni Antonio Facchinetti | He was Patriarch of Jerusalem before succeeding to the Papacy. | ![]() ![]() |
Crux Romulea. | Clemens. VIII. | ||||
233 | 77 Cross of Romulus | Clement VIII (1592–1605) | Ippolito Aldobrandini | He had been a cardinal with the title of Saint Pancratius, who was a Roman martyr.[57][58] | ![]() ![]() |
Vndoſus uir. | |||||
234 | 78 Wavy man | Leo XI(1605) | Alessandro Ottaviano De Medici | He had been the Bishop of Palestrina.[59] The ancient Romans attributed the origins ofPalestrina to the seafaring hero Ulysses.[60] Also, he had only reigned for 27 days. | ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Gens peruerſa. | |||||
235 | 79 Corrupted nation | Paul V(1605–1621) | Camillo Borghese | Pope Paul scandalised the Church when he appointed his nephew to the College of Cardinals. The word “nepotism” may have originated during this pope’s reign.[61] | ![]() ![]() |
In tribulatione pacis. | |||||
236 | 80 In the trouble of peace | Gregory XV (1621–1623) | Alessandro Ludovisi | His reign corresponded with the outbreak of the Thirty Years’ War. | ![]() ![]() |
Lilium et roſa. | |||||
237 | 81 Lily and rose | Urban VIII(1623–1644) | Maffeo Barberini | He was a native of Florence, which has a red lily on its coat of arms.[62] | ![]() ![]() |
Iucunditas crucis. | |||||
238 | 82 Delight of the cross | Innocent X (1644–1655) | Giovanni Battista Pamphili | He was raised to the pontificate around the time of the Feast of the Exaltation of the Crossafter a long and difficult conclave. | ![]() ![]() |
Montium cuſtos. | |||||
239 | 83 Guard of the mountains | Alexander VII (1655–1667) | Fabio Chigi | His family arms include six hills with a star above them.[63] | ![]() ![]() |
Sydus olorum. | |||||
240 | 84 Star of the swans | Clement IX (1667–1669) | Giulio Rospigliosi | The “star” in the legend refers Pope Alexander VII, who had made Clement his personal secretary.[63] The Italian word for swan, cigni, rhymes with Pope Alexander’s surname, “Chigi.” | ![]() ![]() |
De flumine magno. | |||||
241 | 85 From a great river | Clement X(1670–1676) | Emilio Altieri | Pope Clement was a native of Rome. | ![]() ![]() |
Bellua inſatiabilis. | |||||
242 | 86 Insatiable beast | Innocent XI (1676–1689) | Benedetto Odescalchi | Pope Innocent had a lion on his coat of arms.[63] | ![]() ![]() |
Pœnitentia glorioſa. | |||||
243 | 87 Glorious penitence | Alexander VIII (1689–1691) | Pietro Ottoboni | His first name was “Pietro”, after the apostle Peter who had repented after having denied Christ thrice. | ![]() ![]() |
Raſtrum in porta. | |||||
244 | 88 Rake in the door | Innocent XII (1691–1700) | Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello | His full name was Antonio Pignatelli del Rastrello.[64] “Rastrello” in Italian means “rake.” | ![]() ![]() |
Flores circundati. | |||||
245 | 89 Surrounded flowers | Clement XI (1700–1721) | Giovanni Francesco Albani | He had been a cardinal with the title of Santa Maria in Aquiro.[65] | ![]() ![]() |
De bona religione. | |||||
246 | 90 From good religion | Innocent XIII (1721–1724) | Michelangelo dei Conti | A play on words, referring to the pope’s regnal name. He was from the famous Conti family that had produced several Popes. | ![]() ![]() |
Miles in bello. | |||||
247 | 91 Soldier in War | Benedict XIII (1724–1730) | Pietro Francesco Orsini | Before he was pope there was a lot of wars in nearby countries, and it is possible he could have fought in one as a soldier. | ![]() ![]() |
Columna excelſa. | |||||
248 | 92 Lofty column | Clement XII (1730–1740) | Lorenzo Corsini | When still a cardinal, he had held the titular church of St Peter in Chains.[66] The name “Peter” is derived from the Greek word “petros,” meaning “rock.” Clement was a frustrated architect who ordered, and sometimes interfered with, the building of many churches. He managed to salvage two columns of the Parthenon for his chapel at Mantua. | ![]() ![]() |
Animal rurale. | |||||
249 | 93 Country animal | Benedict XIV (1740–1758) | Marcello Lambertini | Might be a play on words because of his famous laws about missions in the two papal bulls‘‘. | ![]() ![]() |
Roſa Vmbriæ. | |||||
250 | 94 Rose of Umbria | Clement XIII (1758–1769) | Carlo Rezzonico | He had been a cardinal with the titular church of Santa Maria in Aracoeli.[67] In mystical circles, the Virgin Mary is represented by a rose. | ![]() ![]() |
Vrſus uelox. | |||||
251 | 95 Swift bear (later misprinted as Cursus velox Swift Course or Visus velox Swift Glance) | Clement XIV (1769–1774) | Lorenzo Giovanni Vincenzo Antonio Ganganelli | The Ganganelli family crest bore a running bear. | ![]() ![]() |
Peregrin9 apoſtolic9.[68] | |||||
252 | 96 Apostolic pilgrim | Pius VI(1775–1799) | Giovanni Angelico Braschi | Spent the last two years of his life in exile, a prisoner of the French Revolution. | ![]() ![]() |
Aquila rapax. | |||||
253 | 97 Rapacious eagle | Pius VII(1800–1823) | Barnaba Chiaramonti | The Pope’s pontificate was overshadowed by Napoleon, whose emblem was the eagle. | ![]() ![]() |
Canis & coluber. | |||||
254 | 98 Dog and adder | Leo XII(1823–1829) | Annibale Sermattei della Genga | “Dog” and “snake” are common insults, and Leo was widely hated[citation needed]. The legend could be an allusion to the pope’s last name, Sermattei. “Serpente” is the Italian word for snake. | ![]() ![]() |
Vir religioſus. | |||||
255 | 99 Religious man | Pius VIII(1829–1830) | Francesco Saverio Castiglioni | Another play on words, referring to the pope’s regnal name. | ![]() ![]() |
De balneis Ethruriæ. | |||||
256 | 100 From the baths of Tuscany | Gregory XVI (1831–1846) | Mauro, or Bartolomeo Alberto Cappellari | Pope Gregory XVI belonged to the Camaldolese Order, which is said to have begun with two monastic houses. The first of these houses was Campus Maldoli, and the second was Fonte Buono, meaning “good fountain” in Italian.[69] | ![]() ![]() |
Crux de cruce. | |||||
257 | 101 Cross from cross | Bl. Pius IX(1846–1878) | Giovanni Maria Mastai Ferretti | During his pontificate, the House of Savoy, whose coat of arms is a white cross on a red background, reunited Italy and stripped the pope of his territorial possessions. Pope Pius XII, commenting on the beatification process of Pius IX, used the words per crucem ad lucem (through the cross to light). Pius IX was finally beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000. | |
Lumen in cœlo. | |||||
258 | 102 Light in the sky | Leo XIII(1878–1903) | Gioacchino Pecci | His coat of arms had a shooting star. | ![]() ![]() |
Ignis ardens. | |||||
259 | 103 Burning fire | St. Pius X(1903–1914) | Giuseppe Sarto | Pius advocated the codification of Canon law, daily communion and the use of Gregorian chant in the Catholic liturgy, and was an opponent of Modernism. He was the first pope to be declared a saint in over 400 years, the previous one being Pope Pius V. | ![]() ![]() |
Religio depopulata. | |||||
260 | 104 Religion destroyed | Benedict XV (1914–1922) | Giacomo Della Chiesa | Reigned during, but had no influence to stop, World War I. This unprecedented period of violence was mainly fought between the Christian powers of Europe, destroying empires which had lasted centuries and began the worldwide spread of atheistic Communism. | ![]() ![]() |
Fides intrepida. | |||||
261 | 105 Intrepid faith | Pius XI(1922–1939) | Achille Ratti | Established Vatican City as a sovereign country with the papal office as head of state. | ![]() ![]() |
Paſtor angelicus. | |||||
262 | 106 Angelic shepherd | Ven. Pius XII (1939–1958) | Eugenio Pacelli | Reigned during World War II, he is reported to have covertly helped Italian Jews escape extermination. Said to have received visions, some of which have yet to be revealed. | ![]() ![]() |
Paſtor & nauta. | |||||
263 | 107 Shepherd and sailor | Bl. John XXIII(1958–1963) | Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli | Patriarch of Venice, a maritime city (and a fomer naval power), from 1953 until 1958 (when he was elected Pope). | ![]() ![]() |
Flos florum. | |||||
264 | 108 Flower of flowers | Paul VI(1963–1978) | Giovanni Battista Enrico Antonio Maria Montini | His coat of arms featured three fleurs-de-lis. | ![]() ![]() |
De medietate lunæ. | |||||
265 | 109 From the midst of the moon | John Paul I (1978) | Albino Luciani | His month-long reign began with the moon half-full[citation needed]. | ![]() ![]() |
De labore solis. | |||||
266 | 110 From the labour of the sun | Bl. John Paul II(1978–2005) | Karol Wojtyła | Born (18 May 1920) on the day of a solar eclipse[citation needed] and entombed (Friday April 8, 2005) on the day of a solar eclipse.[70] | ![]() ![]() |
Gloria olivæ. | |||||
267 | 111 Glory of the olive. | Benedict XVI (2005–2013) | Joseph Ratzinger | Chose the regnal name Benedict after St Benedict of Nursia, founder of the Benedictine Order. The order’s crest contains an olive branch.[citation needed] Since 1960, one of (currently) 20 congregations in the Benedictine Confederation has been the Olivetans(founded in 1313), whose name ultimately derives from the Mount of Olives in the New Testament. | ![]() ![]() |
In ꝑsecutione extrema S.R.E. ſedebit. | |||||
In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit.[71] | |||||
Petrus Romanus, qui paſcet oues in multis tribulationibus: quibus tranſactis ciuitas ſepticollis diruetur, & Iudex tremẽdus iudicabit populum ſuum.[72] Finis. | |||||
268 | 112 Peter the Roman, who will nourish the sheep in many tribulations; when they are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The end. | Unknown | Unknown |
Petrus Romanus
The longest and final motto reads in the original Latin:
In ꝑſecutione extre-
- ma S.R.E. ſedebit.
Petrus Romanus, qui
- paſcet oues in mul-
- tis tribulationibus:
- quibus tranſactis ci-
- uitas ſepticollis di-
- ruetur, & Iudex tre
- mẽdus iudicabit po
- pulum ſuum. Finis.
This is usually translated into English as:
“In the extreme persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit [i.e., as bishop].
Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations:
and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills will be destroyed,
and the terrible judge will judge his people.
The End.”
However, in the 1595 Lignum Vitae, the line In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. forms a separate sentence and paragraph of its own, and it is unclear whether it is grammatically related toGloria Olivae which precedes it, or to Petrus Romanus, which follows it.
There is a claim[73] that the original list written by St. Malachy does not contain a reference to Petrus Romanus and that the last lines were added to the printed text in Wyon’s Lignum Vitæ. This, however, probably cannot be proved, as the original manuscript (if any) probably no longer exists.
Note: the pope succeeding Benedict XVI will probably be in office before Easter 2013.
Vaticinia Nostradami
The Vaticinia Michaelis Nostradami de Futuri Christi Vicarii ad Cesarem Filium D. I. A. Interprete (The Prophecies of Michel Nostradamus on The Future Vicars of Christ to Cesar His Son, As Expounded by Lord Abbot Joachim), or Vaticinia Nostradami (The Prophecies of Nostradamus) for short, is a collection of eighty watercolor images compiled as an illustrated codex.[1] A version of the well-known Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus of the 13th-14th century,[2] it was discovered in 1982 by the Italian journalists Enza Massa and Roberto Pinotti in the Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale di Roma (Central National Library) in Rome, Italy.[3] The document can be found in the library under the title Fondo Vittorio Emanuele 307.
Contents[hide] |
Alleged Nostradamian connections
A postscript by Carthusian librarians states that the book had been presented by one Brother Beroaldus to cardinal Maffeo Barberini, who would later become Pope Urban VIII (1623–1644). A further covering note suggests that the images were by the French seer Nostradamus (1503–1566), and had been sent to Rome by his son César de Nostredame as a gift. There is, however, absolutely no contemporary evidence that Nostradamus himself was either a painter or the author of the work, whose contents in fact date from several centuries before his time—nor, indeed, that he had ever heard of it, given that it did not finally appear in print until after his death.[4] The postscript is in fact dated ‘1629’, and the covering note (not in Nostradamus’s hand) from which the Nostradamian title derives cannot, on the basis of its contents, date from earlier than 1689 – though an internal note does refer to a source dated 1343.[5]
Nevertheless, the highly speculative Italian writer Ottavio Cesare Ramotti,[6] together with the History Channel‘s The Lost Book of Nostradamus(October 2007), have still made much of the book’s supposedly ‘Nostradamian’ origin.
There is a letter by Cèsar de Nostredame (Michel’s first son), written to the French scientist Fabri de Peiresc, in which mention is made of several miniatures painted by Cèsar, and of a booklet that was destined as a gift to King Louis XIII in 1629,[7] but there is no evidence whatsoever of any connection between these and the Vaticinia.[8]
The images contain symbolic objects, letters, animals, crossings of banners, bugles, crosses, candles, three writing styles, etc., some of which seem to some to form figures similar to Roman numerals, or veiled references to personal names. As suggested by the various added inscriptions, they are supposed to have been inspired by the celebrated papal prophecies of Abbot Joachim of Fiore, a 12th-century Cistercian monk from Calabria.
The origin of the work is clearly the fourteenth century Vaticinia de Summis Pontificibus, in which most of the images (including Image 23 opposite) are to be found. By way of example, its Image 12 corresponds to the latter’s Image 9, Image 18 to 15, Image 23 to 20, Image 24 to 21 and Image 29 to 26 (note, too, the similarity of sequence).[10] A work similar to this is Marston MS 225, which can be found in the manuscript and rare-book library of Yale University, in New Haven, Connecticut, USA.[11] This manuscript comes from the German areas of Bavaria and Bohemia, probably from within the courts of emperor Frederick III and Maximilian I.
Who shall be the new Pontifice?
The surprise announcement from Pope Benedict XVI that he will resign on Feb. 28 thrusts the Roman Catholic Church into unfamiliar territory as it chooses a new leader.
The decision by Benedict, 85, marks the first time in nearly six centuries that a pontiff has chosen to give up the post.
The Holy See press office has said that Benedict will not take part in the conclave of cardinals who will go to Rome to choose his successor sometime in March.
Here’s a look at some of the questions surrounding the next six weeks in the life of the Catholic church in light of Benedict leaving the post he’s held since 2005.
Does the fact that it’s a papal resignation, rather than a death, affect the process of selecting the next pope?
“The short answer is we don’t know, because a resignation hasn’t happened since the medieval times, so we don’t know how that dynamic will affect the selection going forward,” says Robert Dennis, a PhD candidate and teaching fellow in the history department at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont.
Yiftach Fehige, an associate professor at St. Michael’s College at the University of Toronto, says the selection process will be the same.
The only difference, Fehige says in an email, is that the conditions for the vacancy of the Apostolic See are different. That means the current pope “freely resigns” and that the resignation must be “properly manifested, i.e. his fishermen’s ring must be melted, he moves out from the papal chamber, etc.”
How does the conclave work?
Popes have traditionally been chosen at the conclave, a secret meeting of the College of Cardinals inside the Sistine Chapel. All cardinals younger than 80 can take part, a number reportedly around 117 or 118 at the moment.
The conclave opens at the Vatican with a mass led by the dean of the College of Cardinals, says Dennis. The cardinals then go to the Sistine Chapel to begin their deliberations, which can last for days. (The conclave that chose Benedict was one of the quickest in history, lasting only two days.)
While the deliberations are secret, Dennis says the cardinals will start by discussing the attributes they deem necessary in the next pope.
“They’ll begin to talk a little bit about the direction, the vision, what’s needed in a pope at the time because contexts change and circumstances change and the needs of the church change.”
Eventually, they will begin voting, with each cardinal walking to the front of the chapel to cast his ballot.
“Each ballot is pierced, so it’s not counted more than one time and then slowly the names of the candidates begin to emerge,” says Dennis.
Balloting continues, with two ballots a day, until one candidate emerges with two-thirds of the vote – a requirement set by Benedict that took the procedure back to a traditional level. The process had been changed by Pope John Paul II to allow only a slight majority of votes to determine the winner.
If the voting continues for three days, Fehige says, there could be a break of up to a day.
Fehige expects a new pope will be chosen within three days.
At the end of the procedure, white smoke emerges from a chimney in St. Peter’s Square, indicating a new pope has been chosen.
How is secrecy enforced and maintained?
During the selection process, cardinals can’t even call home unless it is a very important matter, says Fehige. They are disconnected from any form of media and “secrecy is also enforced by threat of excommunication,” he says.
Very few outsiders are permitted inside.
“Two doctors are allowed into the conclave, as well as priests who are able to hear confessions in various languages and housekeeping staff,” the BBC reported, and even they have to swear an oath of perpetual secrecy.
Who are the likely contenders to succeed Benedict?
As with any high-profile vacancy, speculation around who might be Benedict’s successor is rampant.
Fehige says it’s difficult to say who might be the next pope. “I would have never thought they [would] elect a German. They did.”
Too often, he suggests, likely contenders enter history as contenders and not as popes.
Dennis thinks a non-European is a strong possibility, with a number of Latin-American candidates in the mix.
“One name much closer to home is Cardinal Marc Ouelett, who was the cardinal archbishop of Quebec City before leaving within the last year or two for a position in the Vatican. He’s quite charismatic, very well read, very well liked, very well known, so he certainly has a chance at election.”
Fehige, however, sees “zero” chance a Canadian will succeed Benedict.
“Canada is not the Vatican’s favourite, and none of the Canadian cardinals have what it takes to be pope. They are good in following, but poor in leading.”
What do you think about this ?
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