Guilt , God and Forgiveness – “From light we came, to light we come back” (eng/serb-croat)

We are all wrong about each other. And why is that?

Simply because our decisions, thoughts and emotions are based true experiences that are based on fear and distortion of the reality in which we exist.

It is sad but it is the truth. And what is the Truth?

The truth is simply the Truth, it’s not defined by time and it still remains the truth even if it is only a small thought spoken truthfully and whatever reaction or emotion it brings out it still remains the Truth.

Lets talk about Guilt. What is Guilt ?
Guilt that we all feel, sorry not exactly feel (not everyone feels it ) but have, It is not mine it is not yours, guilt is universal it is a part of everyone and every single person in this world. Let me explain. The individual feel of guilt and guilt of which I am talking about are two different stories that are tightly connected. Paradox isn’t it ?

Yes you are right NO it is not a paradox.

Guilt belongs to everyone to entire humanity.

God / Universe doesn’t have to forgive us anything because it is not his/hers/its business, because we all have our choice, free will and we all are the creators of our own reality that lead us true certain experiences, to certain outcome because of a lessons that we must or need to pass…Or maybe it is his/her/its business but its not ours at least for the moment.

Then, What we have to do ?
We all need to forgive each other but the most important thing is to forgive ourselves.
Freedom is in heart and mind nowhere else.

“From light we came , to light we come back”


Translation in Serb-Croat – Prevod na Srpsko-Hrvatskom

Uglavnom svi griješimo vezano jedni za druge. A zašto je to tako?

Sve naše odluke, misli i emocije su krajnji “proizvod” naših iskustava koja su bazirana na strahu i distorziji realnosti u kojoj postojimo.

Tužno ali istinito. Šta je Istina?

Istina je jednostavno samo Istina. Istina nije definisana vremenom i uvijek  ostaje Istina čak i ako je to samo mala misao izgovorena iskreno i bez obzira na reakciju ili emociju koju može da izazove. Istina i dalje ostaje Istina.

Pričajmo o krivici. Šta je Krivica?

Krivicu koju svi osjećamo, bolje reći imamo (jer je ne osjećamo svi) nije moja nije tvoja ona nije individualna. Krivica je univerzalna i ona je dio svih nas i svake žive osobe na ovoj planeti. Da ne bude nesporazuma, individualni osjećaj krivice i Krivica o kojoj pričam su dvije različite price ali usko povezane. Paradox zar ne?

NE nije paradox!

Krivica  pripada svima nama, cjelokupnom čovječanstvu.

Bog / Univerzum ne treba ništa da nam oprosti zato što ga se to ne tiče. Svi mi imamo pravo na izbor, slobodnu volju i svi smo kreatori sopstvene realnosti koja nas vodi kroz odredjena iskustva prema odredjenom ishodu zbog lekcija  koje moramo ili trebamo da prodjemo…Ili ga se možda i tiče ali to nije nešto o čemu bi mi trebalo da razmišljamo makar ne trenutno.

Šta mi treba da uradimo?

Svi mi trebamo da oprostimo jedni drugima ali je najbitnije da oprostimo sami sebi.

Sloboda je u srcu i umu ne negdje drugo.

“Iz svjetlosti proizaŠli u svjetlost se vraĆamo“

Written by Founder of TBU NEWS Željko Mihajlović

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