FEMA (National Response Coordination Center in Washington)
President of the United States Barack Obama calls for every US citizen to be prepared for the upcoming Hurricane season, to prepare for possible evacuations and to have disaster supply aid kit put in place. As Obama stated Climate change effects are going to become more devastating as time passes by.
President has stressed that every American citizen is responsible for preparing for disasters. Climate change is getting more obvious as time passes and it is going to bring “more powerful and more devastating” hurricanes to the United states. Obama warned Americans to prepare for imminent climate change-caused hurricanes:
“All of us have seen the heartbreak, the damage and, in some case, the loss of life that hurricanes can cause. And as climate continues to change, hurricanes are only going to become more powerful and more devastating. “One of the things that we have learned over the course of the last seven and a half years is that government plays a vital role, but it is every citizen’s responsibility to be prepared for a disaster. And that means taking proactive steps, like having an evacuation plan, having a fully stocked disaster supply kit. If your local authorities ask you to evacuate, you have to do it. Don’t wait.”
Obama also stated that:
“If you need information about how to put together an evacuation plan, how to put together a disaster preparedness kit, as Craig said, we’ve got an app for everything now. We have a FEMA app in English and in Spanish to help you prepare your family for a disaster.”
Download FEMA app from Play Store for Android Download FEMA app from App Store for iOS
Earlier at the end of 2015 NASA has already predicted a possible Weather chaos that can unfold in 2016.
NASA JPL climatologist Bill Patzert:
“The water story for much of the American West over most of the past decade has been dominated by punishing drought, Reservoir levels have fallen to record or near-record lows, while groundwater tables have dropped dangerously in many areas. Now we’re preparing to see the flip side of nature’s water cycle — the arrival of steady, heavy rains and snowfall.”
Looking ahead to summer, we might not be celebrating the demise of this El Niño,’ cautioned Patzert.
‘It could be followed by a La Niña, which could bring roughly opposite effects to the world’s weather.’
La Niñas are essentially the opposite of El Niño conditions. During a La Niña episode, trade winds are stronger than normal, and the cold water that normally exists along the coast of South America extends to the central equatorial Pacific.
La Niña episodes change global weather patterns and are associated with less moisture in the air over cooler ocean waters.
This results in less rain along the coasts of North and South America and along the central and eastern equatorial Pacific, and more rain in the far Western Pacific.
Climate is changing there is no doubt in that everyone that has any sanity in his/her mind can see the change unfolding in front of their eyes. Sudden change in weather patterns impacting the life of us all can be seen in almost every corner of this planet. We have seen “life threatening” heatwaves, extremely dangerous wildfires, vicious tornadoes and unprecedented flooding—and that is just in the United States. Do not forget the floods that where raging just couple of days ago across the Europe: France, Germany, Romania…many people killed, extreme thunderstorms many people injured by lightning. So yes there is evidence that climate is changing and that is going to change further. But how fast and most important why?
How fast? We do not know we can only presume based upon various weather model, scientific research and theories that are circulating around the Global scientific community. We can try to prepare for what can possibly await us but it is as much as we can do right now. Weather can be unpredictable as we have seen in past period and it will get more unpredictable as time passes by. So not how fast but how extreme it is going to be. We have seen in history that extreme weather patterns are not a stranger to this planet.
Take a look at the list of Weather records.
Not to forget the Past Climate Cycles. Toward the end of the 19th century, field studies by geologists turned up another fact, almost as surprising and controversial. There had been not one Ice Age but several. The stupendous ice sheets had slowly ground south and retreated, time and again. The series of glacial periods had alternated with times of warmer climate, each cycle lasting many tens of thousands of years. German geologists, meticulously studying the scars left by ancient rivers on what were now hillsides in the Alps, worked out a scheme of four major cycles.
Ice ages are said to have occurred every 150 million years, and last for at least 1 million years. According to the ice age theory, our current warm period will end with the beginning of another cold phase in 23,000 years time.
Geologists claim that there have been 5 major ice ages.
Starting Age [million years ago] |
Geologic Period |
1,700 to 2,300 mya |
the middle of the Huronian Era in Precambrian time |
670 mya |
the end of the Proterozoic Era, in Precambrian time |
420 mya |
the middle of the Paleozoic Era, between the Ordovician and Silurian Periods |
290 mya |
the late Carboniferous and early Permian Periods, late in the Paleozoic Era |
1.7 mya |
the Pleistocene Epoch of the Quaternary Period (Cenozoic Era) |
During ice ages the boundary of the ice sheet is hypothesised to spread and contract in cycles. These cycles are called glacials and interglacials, and are said to last about 100,000 years. The phases for The Ice Age are in the table below.
Approximate Ending (years ago) |
North American Stages |
Northern European Stages |
Central European Stages |
10,000 |
Late Wisconsin |
Weichselian |
Wurm |
Interstadials |
Mid Wisconsin |
Eemian |
R-W |
45,000 |
Early Wisconsin |
Saalian |
Riss |
Interglacial |
Sangomonian |
Holsteinian |
M-R |
125,000 |
Illinoian |
Elsterian |
Mindel |
Interglacial |
Yarmouth |
Cromerian |
G-M |
690,000 |
Kansan |
Menapian |
Gunz |
Interglacial |
Aftonian |
Waalian |
D-G |
1,600,000 |
Nebraskan |
Eburonian |
Danube |
(source – Grolier Encyclopedia, Grolier Electronic Publishing Inc. 1993)
The cause of ice ages is still a controversy. Milankovitch’s theory of cycles in the earth’s orbit is said to closely predict the existence of ancient ice ages, but it doesn’t account for the timing of the recent glacial/interglacial cycles.
Evidence for the ancient ice ages is primarily provided by the existence of layers of tillite. This is a rock consisting of debris and boulders, which often rest on a grooved and polished bedrock pavement. Other evidence pointing to ice ages come from ice core drills and sea-floor sediment.
TBU NEWS is not pointing out that ICE AGE is coming no not at all. Not soon. What is being said is that extreme weather patterns are not alien to Planet Earth and they will occur in the future as they have occurred in the past.
Then the main question comes.The Reason? The Why? Is it man made?
Everything in nature is interconnected it is a statement that no one can disapprove . But we can not forget that we are not only part of this planet but we are an integral part of the Universe itself. Space weather is also affecting and determining the weather down here.
NASA observations about Space Weather and impacts that it has on Climate Change.
“All weather on Earth, from the surface of the planet out into space, begins with the Sun. Space weather and terrestrial weather (the weather we feel at the surface) are influenced by the small changes the Sun undergoes during its solar cycle.
The most important impact the Sun has on Earth is from the brightness or irradiance of the Sun itself. The Sun produces energy in the form of photons of light. The variability of the Sun’s output is wavelength dependent; different wavelengths have higher variability than others. Most of the energy from the Sun is emitted in the visible wavelengths (approximately 400 – 800 nanometers (nm)). The output from the sun in these wavelengths is nearly constant and changes by only one part in a thousand (0.1%) over the course of the 11-year solar cycle.
At Ultraviolet or UV wavelengths (120 – 400 nm), the solar irradiance variability is larger over the course of the solar cycle, with changes up to 15%. This has a significant impact on the absorption of energy by ozone and in the stratosphere. At shorter wavelengths, like the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV), the Sun changes by 30% – 300% over very short timescales (i.e. minutes). These wavelengths are absorbed in the upper atmosphere so they have minimal impact on the climate of Earth. At the other end of the light spectrum, at Infrared (IR) wavelengths (800 – 10,000 nm), the Sun is very stable and only changes by a percent or less over the solar cycle.
The total wavelength-integrated energy from sunlight is referred to as the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI). It is measured from satellites to be about 1365.5 Watts/m2 at solar minimum to 1366.5 Watts/m2 at solar maximum. An increase of 0.1% in the TSI represents about 1.3 Watts/m2 change in energy input at the top of the atmosphere. This energy is scattered, reflected, and absorbed at various altitudes in the atmosphere, but the resulting change in the temperature of the atmosphere is measurable. It should be noted that the change in climate due to solar variability is likely small, but more research needs to be done.
There are other types of space weather that can impact the atmosphere. Energetic particles penetrate into the atmosphere and change the chemical constituents. These changes in minor species such as Nitrous Oxide (NO) can have long lasting consequences in the upper and middle atmosphere, however it has not been determined if these have a major impact on the global climate of Earth.
The duration of solar minimum may also have an impact on Earth’s climate. During solar minimum there is a maximum in the amount of Cosmic rays, high energy particles whose source is outside our Solar system, reaching earth. There is a theory that cosmic rays can create nucleation sites in the atmosphere which seed cloud formation and create cloudier conditions. If this were true, then there would be a significant impact on climate, which would be modulated by the 11-year solar cycle.”
Read more about: Cosmic rays and space weather: effects on global climate change
What about CERN scientific research?
One of the world’s most prestigious science labs – CERN – has found that cosmic rays affect cloud formation.
The number of cosmic rays that reach Earth depends on the Sun. When the Sun is emitting lots of radiation, its magnetic field shields the planet from cosmic rays. During periods of low solar activity, more cosmic rays reach Earth.
Scientists agree on these basic facts, but there is far less agreement on whether cosmic rays can have a large role in cloud formation and climate change. Since the late 1990s, some have suggested that when high solar activity lowers levels of cosmic rays, that in turn reduces cloud cover and warms the planet. Others say that there is no statistical evidence for such an effect.
The Director of CERN’s cosmic ray experiment (Jasper Kirby) now says that experiments show that cosmic rays significantly enhance the production of the particles which initiate the cloud-formation process. Specifically, cosmic rays allow the minute amounts of sulfuric acid and ammonia in the atmosphere to stabilize, and then – when the clusters grow to 20 molecules or more – become the structure around which moisture can condense so that clouds begin to form.
Latest research coming from CERN states that:
Researchers found trees may have been putting similar aerosols into the air as burning fossil fuels, long before the industrial revolution, meaning humans may have had less impact on the climate than we thought.
Scientists made the discovery during an experiment to create an artificial cloud that was thought could help cool Earth and reverse global warming.
A study published this week in the journal Nature has looked more closely at the tiny particles within clouds, known as cloud seeds, that help cool the planet and found they can be produced naturally.
Clouds, including natural ones and those from aerosols, are seen by the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) as the single biggest source of uncertainty about the so-called human-caused climate change.
The problem stems from not knowing how cloudy the world was before the industrial era, and the fact that some of the gases produced by burning fossil fuels said to warm the plant in the long-term, actually help cool it in the short-term through cloud formation.
But now CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, have left the issue even more confusing after discovering, while creating the fake cloud, that trees could have been putting these aerosols into the atmosphere since they first grew at the time of the dinosaurs.
Read more about at:
So the conclusion is? “The Space Weather” is also oscillating and impacting the weather and life conditions on Earth. It has done it before and it will do it again. Our task is to be prepared as much as possible because i will repeat: “We can only presume what and how extreme it is going to be based upon various weather model, scientific research and theories that are circulating around the Global scientific community.” But often there are things that we can not predict and surprises that come along the road.
As Obama said “We can not control the weather” hmmm lets stop here. If this article is to continue then Geoengineering and efforts to control weather must be mentioned however successful or unsuccessful they have been. But it is another topic nevertheless the main topic intertwine.
For now lets stick with what Obama has said (because mainly we should) “We can not control the Weather” but we can prepare.
Written by Founder of TBU NEWS Zeljko Mihajlovic
Best Regards