Home TBU NEWS TBU NEWS Statement – Editorial change and plans for the future

TBU NEWS Statement – Editorial change and plans for the future

We would like to inform you about the latest change in editorial structure of TBU NEWS.

Editor in chief and founder of TBU NEWS Zeljko Mihajlovic is leaving TBU NEWS due to matter of private concern and personal obligations. This decision has been made by the chief editor itself.

Zeljko has been the editor in chief  of TBU NEWS for several years and founder from its beginning. He has managed to do his job successfully in an honourable , respectful, truthful and objective way always bearing in mind the goals and principals of TBU NEWS and what it stands for. Over the years Zeljko has inspired us all to think better, to search for truth to fight for freedom and to dream the better future for us all. TBU NEWS would not be what it is today if it wasn’t for him.

Objective and Inspiring

Excerpt from WE ARE ALL ONE :  

“The most important thing is and should be: Love, Understanding and common interest to shape our future for ourselves and for our children. We should not allow ourselves to say: “It is just a dream”. It is not. It is the reality. It can be reality. We can make it better. We have the knowledge.  We have the technology. We have the imagination. We have all the resources that this planet is giving us in plenty . But do we have the heart to do it ?

We are Human Beings. Sentient ones. We have sent people to space and probes (Voyager 1) to outer space. We have built marvellous monuments and created wonderful art.

Stop dreaming the nightmares.

Wake up and shape your Future.”

(Written by Founder of TBU NEWS : Zeljko Mihajlovic )

We hope that he will continue to share its perception way beyond TBU NEWS. We will always be there for him and on the other hand his counsel and opinion are more then welcome. We wish him best regards and personal success.

The new editor in chief of TBU NEWS is going to be Timothy Greenspan starting January of 21th 2017.

Future plans for TBU NEWS

In coming days TBU NEWS main focus will be its website tbunews.com, YouTube channel and Twitter account all other activities will be suspended for time being.

TBU NEWS will be there for you, it will become better and will stay what has always been Objective and Inspiring.

Best Regards

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