Home Humanity and Society It’s time to Focus

It’s time to Focus

So many things are trying to pull us apart, individually and collectively. Never mind fear of everything manufactured or imaginary tearing at people’s psyches, but actual realities that are accosting everyone on this planet in some form or another.

Their effects are subtle yet they’re in our faces, and are spreading out humanity’s energies.

It’s a time to focus.

Focus on what we are determined to fulfill. Focus on our life mission and its importance in the grand scheme of things; focus on our personal effectiveness and our immediate surroundings, those we love and the planet we care about and how we can be better instruments for Truth.

We need to focus on what we can do and be, all the time leaving ourselves open to new avenues of expression.

Granted, things do constantly change, and at an increasing rate. Adaptation to these Universal realities is essential to practical, conscious living.

Everything else outside of these priorities, while they may seem to contribute to our overall understanding, are informative although often a potential distraction. If we can’t focus our power and attention or, more importantly, ourintention we won’t make any headway in the right direction. Instead we’ll be pushed and pulled the direction of the controllers and succumb to their mud slides of lies and deceit.

A Time for Transcending

While over spiritualizing can be a hazard, under spiritualizing is just as dangerous.

We’re each in a very individual endeavor to enact a life of meaning and substance. To learn and grow and care for ourselves as effective human beings, and to love and empower our loved ones and the world around us, this is our innate mission.

Yet the worldly influences play on and on in an effort to dilute our attention and distract us.

We’re presented with a time of serious challenges. Life is always a challenge, but today’s global issues and the institutionalized mechanization of so-called scientific and technological advancements is particularly disturbing and alarming.

We’re at a crossroads, a very literal one, where we either respond consciously, or succumb to their barrage of life numbing mechanizations.

Why Is It So Hard to Break Away?

Inertia is a massive force, yet it sits still…and causes us to do the same. With the complete dearth of intellectual clarity in the world today, never mind loving spiritual enlightenment, most take little thought about changing their basic circumstances. They’ve been bamboozled to think survival in a world of want and scarcity requires seriously digging in wherever they find a niche.

So very sad. Prisoners of their own freely imprisoned free will.

More people are experiencing this sensation of a need to escape these phenomena by the day, trying to break out of a very constricting social, political and personal paradigm. The real danger is the lack of response by those who are “called”, “touched on the shoulder”, who catch on and don’t know what, if anything, to do about it. They then stop in their compromised tracts. That’s where the fat and falsely happy pitfall of apathy resides.

A seriously and faultily reasoned non-response. Ultimately based in self preservation. A reaction our controllers rely upon.

Lack of conscious response to very real stimuli is the definition of apathy; not caring enough to react or respond, no matter the impulse or circumstance. Sad but understandable in our drugged up, yet dumbed down society. Yet it’s not nearly as innocent as it may seem in the true scheme of things. We all respond, and are therefore response – able to take appropriate action.

Source: It was sent to TBU NEWS by anonymous reader

Best Regards

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